A Revival of Sabbath Preaching
Years ago God's messenger was shown that at the commencement of the time of trouble, then distinctly in the future, we would go forth and proclaim the Sabbath truth more fully.
Challenge of a World Task
Foreign mission work is being challenged in non-Christian lands.
Utilizing Lay Bible Workers
Much as been written about the privilege afforded our lay members in giving the message to their neighbors and friends, and much has been said to encourage our members to go into the homes of the people and give Bible studies. But I have sometimes wondered if we as leaders have done all that we might do to make a practicable program for volunteer workers to follow.
Paramount Lesson of Israel--No.2
The four centuries preceding Christ's advent saw a curious but definite commingling of the nations organized on the principle of exploited polytheism with that nation chosen by God as His peculiar people.
"Learn of Me"
Christ sought to impress indelibly upon the minds of His disciples the lesson of humility.
Principles of Administration—No. 7
In closing this series of studies, I want to give you a little clearer view of how we carry on the work here at headquarters
Implications of Catholicity—No. 3
The meaning of catholicity and its relation to ecumenism.