Expand Your Mental Horizons
If the reader does his part aright, literature will give him both depth of insight and breadth of outlook.
Maintaining a World Movement No. 3—Auditing and Budgeting
As a protection to the officers and to those responsible for the handling of monies in denominational service, as well as to the organizations themselves, a system of auditing and checking of accounts has been instituted throughout the world field.
Pastoring Vastly More Than Preaching
The pastor who is not a soul winner is a failure. In a special sense a pastor is an ambassador for Christ. He is commissioned to win, to hold, and to reclaim lost souls by the power of divine love. In everything he is to represent Christ.
Sound Revival Work
It was my happy privilege, upon the request of the union committee, to engage in twelve revival efforts of one week each in our churches in 1937. We might ask, is there a need for revival work in our churches?
The One Supreme Qualification
What are the qualifications required to make us effectual ministers of the new covenant? What is the one supreme thing which we must have if we are to proclaim the advent message with power and lasting success?
Free Radio Time
Since most time on the air is rather expensive, it is quite important for our workers who have limited budgets to give study to methods of securing what is called "free time."