My Books are My Wealth
All our contributory reading should be designed to strengthen us in faith and experience, that we may be greater men of God, and more efficient ministers of His word.
Challenge of Daybreak in Islam—No. I
A look at three great facts relating to the challenge of Islam to Christianity.
Essentials for Success in God's World
In the heart of every true worker there is an earnest desire and a laudable ambition to be a success in the work to which he has been assigned. As workers we do well frequently to study just what constitutes essentials for success in the work of God.
Meeting the Scientific Attitude
For many people, science has not simply disproved but also displaced God
Neat Bible Worker Uniform*
The sole purpose of an evangelistic campaign is to save souls. To this end, every detail should be planned with utmost care, in order that all essentials may be provided for and that the work of the campaign may progress with ease
Potency of Sacred Song
In the lives of Christians the church service is an important factor, and it is logical that music have a most important part in their worship.
Repentance or Penance
Is there any ground in the original Greek for the use of "penance" or "do penance" in the Douay Bible in place of "repentance" and "repent" in the King James?
Utilizing Twentieth-Century Facilities
The twentieth century—just three words, but what rivers of swift-flowing thought they immediately conjure up. Conspicuously outstanding in the midst of all these latter-day streams flow the swollen waters of that powerful, captivating, breath-taking torrent—that mighty river, scientific modern advantages.
Effective Evangelistic Advertising
Effective advertising for an evangelistic effort may be considered under five heads:(1) Subject title;(2)The personal invitation;(3)The newspaper;(4)The window card;and(5)The billboard.