College Ministerial Seminars

Current Field Training Notes

Frank Breaden [Leader.]

The opening address of the 1938 school 1 year at Australasian Missionary College was given by Pastor C. H. Watson. Among other things he said: "There are places where the work of God is weak at present because of lack of preparedness on the part of those who stand there. The work of God has neither time nor place for 'half-baked' creatures l" These words, tersely spoken and searching in their import, are the essence of a deep con­viction that has laid hold upon the students of our college. We are threatened with the possible tragedy of a confused or distorted vision.

For this reason we have felt that it would be of mutual aid to our students to have a society especially designed to promote a more godly, cultured, and practical spirit among our ministerial students. This conviction gave birth to the Ministerial League. The league commenced with a background of earnest prayer and planning toward the close of the school year for 1937, and we are happy to report that the first term of 1938 finds our work advancing strongly, with a menabership of almost sixty prospective ministerial workers.

Our motto, "Saved to Serve," is compelling and full of hope. Our aim is inspirational—"A More Consecrated, Efficient, and Faithful Ministry." It can readily be seen that the motto anticipates the sentiments of the aim; and similarly, the aim is the fundamental from which the two basic objectives of our consti­tution issue. These objectives are:

1. The primary objective of the formation of the Ministerial League is to train for greater efficiency in God's service, through

a. Deeper spirituality.

b. Increased mental development.

c. Better methods.

2. The secondary objective is to stimulate an interest among the students, in the ministerial and Bible workers' courses, and to foster the evangelical spirit in our midst.

Our program allows for a league meeting to convene on alternate Saturday evenings. These meetings usually take the form of an address on some chosen topic bearing vitally upon a more intelligent preparation for gospel work. In order to ensure the richest returns, we have enlisted the experience and mature counsel of senior workers from the surround­ing conferences and from our own faculty. Some of the topics we discuss are as follows:

1. Methods of personal evangelism.

2. Ministerial manners and decorum.

3. The practical approach to island mission work.

4. The rudiments of public speaking.

5. Pointers to success in evangelical mission efforts.

6. High lights of significant current events.

7. Newspaper writing and advertising.

8. The preparation and presentation of Bible ad­dresses.

9. The preparation and presentation of Bible read­ings. to. "Hard Nuts"—and how to crack them.

Frank Breaden [Leader.]

Frank Breaden [Leader.]

December 1938

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