Adequate Training for Our Task--No. 1
Shall we insist on sixteen grades for applicants for ministerial work?
The Nature of Non-Christian Religions
What is the real nature of non-Christian religions, and what should be the attitude of the Christian toward them?
How Shall We Do It?"
It will doubtless be of interest to readers of The Ministry to know of some of the problems which confront us in our work in India.
Our Spiritual Foes and Perils—No. 1
A faithful and fearless discussion of the worker's conflict.
Charts Their Use and Abuse
Ever since 1842, charts have played a prominent part in the presentation of the advent message.
Conservation of Results—No. 2
How can an evangelist conduct an effort and bind off the interest in such a way that the work accomplished will stand secure and not ravel out?
Securing and Holding, an Audience
So delicate is the vine of evangelism and so precious the fruit which the husbandman rightfully expects, that every precaution should be taken against the inroads of the "little foxes."
Christology of Islam—No. 2
The denial by Mohammedanism of Jesus Christ is a most important factor to consider.