In the busy routine of sanitarium work the Lord occasionally gives us rich experiences which spur us on to labor more earnestly for souls whom He is calling into the ranks of His remnant people. Very often in the hour of severe illness an apparent interest is seen, but as health returns, new interests in life crowd out the seed sown. We are thankful that it is not always so, and we rejoice over a goodly number of souls won as a result of short stays at the Loma Linda Sanitarium and Hospital.
Some time ago our attention was called to a young mother who had become interested during her ten-day stay at the sanitarium and who had received studies from one of our nurses during her convalescence in the village. As we presented the remaining points of faith, the Lord's Spirit continued to woo her, and soon she surrendered all to Him and was baptized. Immediately a great desire came to her that her husband, a young pharmacist, might hear and accept the truths that brought such joy to her own heart. Studies followed, and we could see that he believed. But when would he accept? Ten years before this he had completed his premedical work and was ready to begin the study of medicine. But the death of his father made it necessary for him to step in as manager of the drugstore and take upon his shoulders the support of his mother, brother, and sister.
Still we studied and prayed, as month after month passed by. Then the studies were discontinued, but the prayers went on. Many more months passed, and then one day he was rushed to the hospital. Emergency surgery was performed, and for days he lay very ill. Our prayers were united with those of his faithful wife that the Lord would save him to take his stand for the truth and be used in His work. The Lord heard, and the man recovered, made a firm decision to follow all the way, and was baptized.
He then began giving Bible studies to a group of friends in his home. Later he took the required Bible courses to complete his premedical work, and is now a second-year student in the College of Medical Evangelists. We thank God for His saving power.