Anti-Missionary Influences and Trends
Not for centuries have Christian doctrine and the very foundations of religion itself been open to such violent attacks as they are today.
Ordain Local Burden Bearers
The counsel of the great apostle Paul that men should be ordained in every church to care for the members of the flock is particularly important.
Enriching the Church Service
Every sermon should be simple, impressive, and personal, so that young and old may learn to know God and do His will.
Sense of Responsibility Needed
Vital "Testimony" Counsels. From an address to ministers at the General Conference, April 15, 1901.
Exaggerated Recitals Unjustifiable
Of all men, and of all peoples, the Seventh-day Adventist minister in the pulpit should be representative of truth.
The Wife's Part in the Program
The minister's wife holds a very important place in relation to her husband's work.