Hold Steady Under Crisis Conditions
Shun the temptation to prognosticate what has not been revealed.
Blessings of Sacrificial Giving
Whether our responsibility centers in the local church or in general administrative work in any capacity, as leaders in the cause of God we need to be reminded often of the spiritual objectives that are before us and our believers, and need to have a knowledge of how these are attained.
Adventist Editorial Council
Denominational editors meet in council convened at Washington, D.C. on August 23-29.
Cultural Cycles and Religious Trends
This is the first of four studies that lay bare the notable revolution that is taking place in religious world thought.
Facing the India Problem No. 1
India presents such a variety of conditions—geographical, economic, sociologic, and religious—that it is well-nigh futile to attempt any general statement about the country which would apply accurately to all parts or to all classes of people found there.
Schools, an Evangelizing Agency
One of the difficulties that stands in the way of carrying on evangelistic work in a large way in the native reservations and villages of Africa, is the inability of the people to read.
Statistical Report for 1938
Have you stopped to think that nearly one hundred years have passed since this movement began?
Principles of Hymn Choice—No. 1
Hymns and hymn tunes, gospel songs, and other types of music used in the work of the church are often criticized. Why this difference of opinion?
Baptism for the Dead
How may one deal effectively with the Latter-day Saints' (or Mormons') contention on vicarious baptism for the dead, which they base on 1 Corinthians 15:29?