Forward Despite All Difficulties
There has never been a time when the children of God did not have to face difficulties in their efforts to promote the interests of His sacred cause.
Proper Attitudes in Our Publications
How much of the message dare we print? Shall we compromise and teach error? Shall we keep silent on such cardinal truths as the Sabbath and the second advent?
Editorial Defenders of the Faith-2
In article No. 1, Professor Andreasen set forth several guiding principles which show how our editors and periodicals may be defenders of the faith. Near the close, he pointed out certain landmarks which all workers would do well to keep in mind. Those discussed were, maintaining true Fundamentalism, and the right use of the Testimonies. He continues with the next point, on the doctrine of creation.
The Pastor's Yearly Program
The year's program should be divided into certain well-defined periods.
Conference Directory Invaluable
In a conference as large as Michigan, with one hundred seven churches which have a combined membership of more than ten thousand, a comprehensive church directory is imperative if efficient and effective work is to be accomplished.
Obtaining Names in an Effort
As a preliminary to getting large numbers of names, we must get large congregations.
The Evangelist and Music
We need to recognize the place of the consecrated musical evangelist.
Return of Science to Religion
It is true that science can do much to make the world more comfortable and to fill it with an abundance of those materials that make for the welfare of mankind. But when science was adopted into the realm of philosophy and came near to being a religion, it utterly failed to live up to expectations.
Facing India's Problem—No. 2
Probably every indigenous worker and every missionary in India, including those in our own ranks, could point to examples of individuals and groups who have improved their economic and social status by becoming Christians.
Native Evangelism in Africa
The gospel did not reach Africa as soon as it did other lands, and for ages Africa has been sleeping in the darkness of sin.