The Evangelist and Music

We need to recognize the place of the consecrated musical evangelist.

By H. M. S. RICHARDS, Radio Evangelist, Pacific Union Conference

We need to recognize the place of the consecrated musical evangelist. We ought not to forget that almost every great evangelist of the past has linked with his name the name of a gospel singer. We think of Moody and Sankey, of Torrey and Alexander, of Billy Sunday and Rodeheaver, and of others. These men learned to work together. They were not separated or changed around every few months. Some of these evangelistic companies worked together for twenty or thirty years or longer.

In the Moody Bible Institute of Chicago, those preparing to be evangelists take two parts Bible work and one part music in their course of study. Those preparing for the work of the musical evangelist take one part Bible and two parts music. Thus, the evangelist is able to lead the music in an emergency, and the musician is able to preach if necessary.

Where no good music leader is available and the evangelist is not able to take charge of the work himself, a good amplifier may be secured and the very best records of gospel music, both instrumental and vocal,' may be used in this way. I observed an evangelist who used amplified music in a large hall where he had absolutely no help of any kind. He would play several songs as the people gathered in, and then would ask the audience to join in the singing of one of the old hymns as led by the amplifier, and the meeting was very suc­cessful. Of course, this is not ideal, but it is better than no music at all or poorly rendered and poorly conducted music.

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By H. M. S. RICHARDS, Radio Evangelist, Pacific Union Conference

December 1939

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