Restudying the Doctrines without Destroying the Foundations
Address at opening of winter session of the Theological Seminary, Dec. 6, 1939.
The Relationship of Workers—No. 1
The success of any institution very largely depends upon the smooth running order of its organization, and this depends upon the relationship which exists between its workers.
Mission Land Mass Movements
Mass movements toward Christianity in mission lands are usually the natural result of organized work in the church. Wherever the church as a whole takes the Lord's commission to heart, the Holy Spirit uses everyone in it to bring into the fold those who are still unwarned. This we know to be true in Africa.
Ideal District Supervision
The following charge was given under divine inspiration by the apostle Peter to the elders in the large district composed of Pontus, Galatia, Cappadocia, Asia, and Bithynia. In it we find the call of God today to those who are given any measure of supervision in the church, be the responsibility great or small.
Ways of Securing Names
There are many ways of securing the names of interested people in evangelistic efforts.
Addressing Colored People
It is sometimes a real problem for a white worker to determine what he should say when he is asked to speak to an audience of colored people. How can he best bridge the gulf to a common understanding?
Singing to the King of Kings
We should not find it difficult to discover that balance which will make a richer and more spiritually impressive service in the ministry of music.
I Mark My Books
Books are the tools of my profession. But before I feel perfectly at home with them, they need to be edged or balanced to fit my hand. That is why I like to mark my books.
Call for Religious Unity and Revival
Christendom has come suddenly to realize that Christian religion is faced with the gravest peril in its history.