Ants Refute Pseudo Science
The author presents his recent field findings and how they refute the evolutionary hypothesis.
By BENJAMIN FRANKLIN ALLEN; President, Deluge Geology Society, California
By BENJAMIN FRANKLIN ALLEN; President, Deluge Geology Society, California
July 1940
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Our Charge as Undershepherds
Do you feed your flock or yourselves?
"Belying" Peaceful Principles
The real purpose for the appointment of Myron C, Taylor to the Vatican is gradually appearing on the surface of actual fact.
A Summons to World Evangelism
What are the methods that must be employed for the finishing of our task?
Village Evangelism in Africa
In many of our mission fields we are working almost entirely in the rural districts and villages.
The Final Crisis and Deliverance (Study Outline)
A study outline on the final crisis.
Two Witnesses in Prophecy-3
Who are the two witnesses of bible prophecy?
Editorial Keynotes
Accountability in handling men.
Acquiring Appreciation of Music
The choir does not function separately from other parts of the church hour.
Pastoring the Institutional Church
Churches are God's appointed centers of truth in the communities.
Program for Church Dedication
There are many solemn occasions in a minister's experience which require careful planning, so that the members may receive the blessings which God has in store for them.
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