Ants Humble High Authorities

Why, on strictly scientific grounds, do we reject the supposed long geologic ages?

By Benjamin F. Allen, Vice-President, Deluge Geology Society, California

In our former article we presented the flat denial given by the ants at every attempt to make them testify for self-creationism. Though perfect specimens are found from as far "back"( ?) as any kind of insects, there are no differences noted in them from the ants of today. This fact Maurice Maeterlinck, famous ant specialist, admitted, as we quoted from him. He even admitted that we are free to believe that ants similar to those of today were all created on the same day, "as the Bible declares," which he designated as "tra­dition." But he chose not to believe, and took refuge in the usual "almost infinite time," dur­ing which time he held that evolution could have had its way, leaving no evidence.

But why, on strictly scientific grounds, do we reject the supposed long geologic ages ? Inasmuch as the ant is on our side, and this time issue is so squarely brought to the front by the writers we are quoting in these articles, we might well give briefly our reasons for ignoring the geologic ages.

During the "billions of years" postulated while the supposedly slow deposits of water-laid layers were being formed, life is thought by many to have been just slowly creating ,itself gradually up to what we have today. The two processes, the deposit of sediment and the self-development of life, are thought by these theorists to have progressed at the same time. Were this the case, it is easy to see that the layers would contain imprints, fossils, or preserved specimens of life in each layer as the eons of ages rolled by—a record book, each layer a page. As this theory developed, a chart was built up, called the Timetable of Geology, showing graphically this supposed long history of creation.

The theory looks simple and scientific, doesn't it? Indeed it does, and it has swept practically all educated people off their feet. It has blinded millions to God's last message. But at bottom it is not science at all. It rose from the viewpoint of some who did not like to retain the God of the Bible in their knowl­edge. (See Rom. I:19-32.) It does look sim­ple and conclusive, but my heart burns within me to show God's people how to sit down with the honesthearted and the open-minded, and simply and conclusively to show them what a hoax this theory really is.

For forty years now Professor Price has been calling the world's attention to one area after another, in all parts of the world, which utterly confounds this timetable. This has been his main service, and what a tremendous service it is ! These discoveries are still in progress. Not more than three of the "ages" can be found in any one place in the position shown on the timetable, and even such cases are extremely rare. That long list exists no­where else together in any place whatever but on this chart. Think it over.

To take only three of the many main ex­posures discovered: (I) The theory would be put to rout by even one age out of the many found to be missing without any trace, because evolution is supposedly a process that must leave no unexplained gaps. (2) But worse still, many ages, or whole groups of them, are found out of place, without explanation. How could evolution in one small or large area, say a county or a State, have followed suddenly a radically different sequence for a few mil­lion or billion years, and then suddenly switch onto the main sequence again ? (3) Even though no further facts are needed, the third feature is the most fatal blow of all. Layers of the very "oldest"—so classed because they contain only the supposed oldest forms of life—are found lying unexplainably on top of nearly the "youngest" on the table! How could evo­lution have proceeded almost completely, or to any other extent, in reverse order in certain abrupt spots? This all serves as "TNT" to the famous timetable!

Dr. D. F. Jones, of Yale University, a leader in evolution, also "went to the ant" and found wisdom. But, like all other leaders of his philosophical trend, he failed to take the ant for its real worth. His observations included many other insects besides the ant. He says:

"Certain fossil insects, well preserved in amber from geological periods which are reckoned in mil­lions of years, differ in no perceptible way from in­dividuals of the same species today."—"Genetics," p. 26, John Wiley and Sons, N.Y., 1625.

We next quote from Dr. W. M. Wheeler, perhaps the highest authority on ants, in his book "Social Insects." (Harcourt Brace and Co., London and New York, 1928.)

"Although the precise generic relationship [par­entage] of the few known ants from the Eocene [a supposed geologic age] both in Europe and North America is so uncertain, they are in no respect more primitive or more generalized [more simple in struc­ture or habits] than the ants of the amber, and these are quite as highly civilized and specialized as any living forms. All eight of the living subfamilies, with the exception of Dorylinae and Leptanillinae, are represented in the amber fauna [insect life], and so far it has been quite unnecessary to modify their definitions in order to accommodate any of the Tertiary [geologic age] species." [That is, no change in classification is necessary, so much like the ants of today are the geologic ants.]

"Not only are the casts as sharply differentiated among the amber as among the modern ants, but the workers of the same genera [he names three] . . may have already beCome paleomorphic [varied in shape and size]. The larvae and the pupae, too, which are occasionally preserved, are precisely like those of the living forms.

The Baltic amber is, indeed, so much like the living fauna, that no myrmecologist [ant speciall,J would be surprised to find any of the existing genera actually living today in the forest of the East Indies or Australia, or find any of the quaint or archaic genera of these regions in the amber. This, in fact, has happened in two instances." (Brackets mine.)—Pages 117, 118.

But why quote or comment further ? It was our happy lot to know the entomologist who first found many of the ants and other insects in the tarry asphalt of the famous Brea Tar Pits in Hancock Park, Los Angeles. He as­sured us, and showed us, that all of them are identical to those of today. But the geologic timetable gives long ages to those remains. Wherever fossil insects are found, they show few if any odd or vague extinct forms which can be used as an excuse for the vagueness and "missing link" proclivity of noncreation­ist philosophy. Generally, in harmony with all the fossils of every kind, plant and animal alike, fossil insects are somewhat larger than those of today. A few are many times larger ; for instance, the dragonfly of thirty-inch wingspread. But this is all either in flat denial of evolution or exactly the reverse of it.

You would be astonished, strengthened, and inspired afresh if you could learn more in de­tail how the terrific powers and processes of the flood all so wonderfully correlate and dove­tail together. These are being scientifically studied in more than a hundred different ways by our Deluge Geology Society. Our outline of these detailed research objectives will be mailed free to those who make request of the society at 219 North Grand Avenue, Los An­geles, California.

The messenger of the Lord calls for counsel and cooperation in guarding against the in­roads of false science:

"In this time when Satan is seeking to make void the law of God through the exaltation of false science, we need to guard most carefully against everything that would tend to lessen our faith and scatter our forces. As laborers together with God, we should be in harmony with the truth, and with our brethren. There should be counsel and coopera­tion."—"Testimonies to Ministers," p. 490.

We plead for that counsel and cooperation. In speaking of Christian education, the same messenger says:

"The schools established among us are matters of grave responsibility ; for important interests are involved. In a special manner our schools are a spectacle unto angels and to men. A knowledge of science of all kinds is power, and it is in the purpose of God that advanced science shall be taught in our schools as a preparation for the work that is to precede the closing scenes of earth's history. The truth is to go to the remotest bounds of the earth, through agents trained for the work."—"Funda­menials of Christian Education," p. 186.

How else can these words be applied than to those sciences which have to do with the Creator, whose wrath was once poured out in the scientifically proved flood of Noah? Why do not Christian people lead the world in all sciences which touch Bible faith?

By Benjamin F. Allen, Vice-President, Deluge Geology Society, California

August 1940

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