Circumspectness the Demand of the Times
The last soul-saving work to be done by the saints will be accomplished under the most severe struggles and trials
Better Radio Broadcasting
What has been written can be erased or altered, but the words spoken over the radio cannot be recalled. Therefore every address must be carefully written out.
Baptizing Converts Under Difficulties
There are places, however, where it is very difficult for a preacher to baptize his converts because of the intolerance of those who oppose the message. What can we do in these situations?
An Iron" Nail in the Critics' Coffin
Many bible critics deny any claims that reportedly have no contemporary outside evidence. But recent archeological discoveries have finally disposed of another of these "arguments from silence."
Substituting in a Minister's District
I think all Bible workers will agree that they are in the height of their glory when they are right in the midst of an inspiring and successful evangelistic campaign. But it has fallen to my lot several times to take over and finish up the loose ends after an evangelist has closed his meetings and gone.
Upbuilding Congregational Singing--No. 2
In part two of our discussion, we turn to a definite consideration of how the four basic causes for indifference and nonparticipation in congregational singing may be eliminated, and how we may improve our musical worship.