God's Twofold Call to His Church
A revival of true godliness and a summons to larger evangelism. An opening address, Autumn Council, St. Paul, Minnesota, October, 1940.
Cooperating With the Evangelist
A bible worker can give her best service to an evangelistic effort when it is well organized.
Bible Teachers as Leaders and Molders
Paper presented at Bible Teachers' Council, Washington, D.C., August, 1940.
Accepting the Evolution Challenge
The theory of evolution presents a challenge to every Seventh-day Adventist. How do we respond?
Editorial Keynotes
Advent Source Research Project--No. 1. Presented at a joint session of the Bible teachers and history teachers in council last summer in Washington. Here published by request, because of the widespread interest and concern regarding progress toward the printed product and availability of the documents.
Our Medical Work from 1866-1896—No. 13
The opening of the First Seventh-day Adventist School of Nursing.