Theological Seminary Objectives
Address at dedication of the S.D.A. Theological Seminary, Takoma Park, D.C., Jan. 21, 1941.
Creating and Promoting Evangelistic Spirit
Presentation at Bible and History Teachers' Convention, Washington, D.C., August, 1940.
A Crusade for Youth in 1941
If ever ministers were confronted with a crisis hour in guiding and binding our youth to the advent movement, they are now.
Prophetic Guidance in Early Days
Part two of our look at the influence of the spirit of prophecy from 1844 to 1855.
In Defense of Fundamentalism
Paper presented at Biblical language teachers' council, Washington, D.C., August, 1940.
Central Union Evangelistic Council
A unique and highly practical evangelistic council for the Central Union Conference was held in Boulder, Colorado, December 16-22.
The Period of Christ's Priestly Ministry
Till when will Jesus minister as man's high priest?