Attractive Bookstand and Sales

How bookstands in our tent can be made attractive.

WINONA CRANE. [Bookstand Director.]

The bookstand in our tent is located to the left of the main entrance and is a wooden structure 26 x 8 feet. The sloping dis­play shelves are 18 x 5 feet. The storeroom, for extra supplies used in the tent, is at the left end of the stand. The top of the book­stand is covered with tar paper, and is water­proof. There are two long wooden "doors" and one short door, on hinges, that can be locked from the inside. These are let down each evening, and thus the stand is opened. There is also a door that leads from the store­room into the bookstand, which is kept locked.

In this way our books are left right on the shelves, and are securely locked up when the stand is closed.

You will notice, according to the sketch (p. 24) that there is a long sloping display shelf at the back, arranged for the exhibit. Dark-green burlap is tightly stretched and tacked down on the display shelf and on the main sales counter. This green background adds much to the attractiveness of the bookstand. A 3/4-inch quarter round is used to separate the rows on which the books are displayed and against these the books rest.

Underneath the sales counter, and under the book exhibit, long shelves are built in, on which we keep our extra supply of books. Boards are placed on the ground to make a floor for those in charge to stand on. These boards are covered with old rugs or burlap used in previous efforts.

The front sales counter slopes toward the outside, about four inches. It likewise has quarter-round strips on which to rest the books. In the center of this counter is a sign, "To­night's Special." Each evening we have a "special" on the subject of the evening, if this is possible. In case we have nothing directly on the subject, we always have another special, either on Bibles or on a book. A sales talk describing the book and stating its price, is given from the pulpit. This sales talk is the secret of our success at the bookstand.

The value of our stock is usually around $500. About three weeks before each effort begins, we send in a large order for books and Bibles. Then as our stock needs replen­ishing, we send in smaller orders. Each eve­ning we keep a list of all we sell, and at the end of each month a check covering our sales for that month is sent to the Book and Bible House.

The Crisis books are prominently displayed, and we reduce the price on all subscription books. The primary purpose of maintaining this bookstand is to get our books into the the hands of the people. What little profit we make on sales is put into the offerings, and is applied toward the cost of supporting the effort.

Since the Voice of Prophecy group have been working together, we have held six efforts and are now in our seventh. We are usually in one place about four months. The book sales for the first six efforts have totaled $6,198.74. In our present effort the sales for the first eight weeks have amounted to $350. We have learned from experience that an at­tractive bookstand, with strong sales talks from the pulpit, does much to encourage the people to buy more books.

Our bookstand is always waterproof—cov­ered on the top and back with a patent roofing paper—and built for storm emergencies. It was certainly a place of refuge in a recent storm. The books were all protected, and kept dry and safe, as were the other things that were placed there for protection. We always build the book­stand to resist storm and tempest and water, even if the tent should go down. The book­stand is locked with a Yale lock, and could be safely left on the ground even when the tent is demolished or taken away. Thus we have a safe place in which to keep everything of value in times of emergency, and a place to protect things at night during the campaign. All our microphones and other small, but valu­able, paraphernalia are kept in the bookstand and in the little storeroom at the end of the bookstand.

WINONA CRANE. [Bookstand Director.]

WINONA CRANE. [Bookstand Director.]

April 1941

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