The Projector in Cottage Meetings

The Projector in Cottage Meetings

In general, people are "picture-minded" to­day. We must therefore take advantage of the projector in our meetings.

By IRENE B. ANDERSON, Bible Worker, Sacramento, California

In general, people are "picture-minded" to­day. While there is nothing that can com­pare with the study of the Bible, where each person looks up the text for himself, still there are times when the projector accomplishes great good. I have found that it affords a fine opportunity to gather the whole family together in evening cottage meetings. Men who would not sit down and study the Bible are usually willing to look at the pictures. The children are delighted with the plan, and lessons are deeply impressed upon their young minds. They love to sing our gospel songs, and look forward to my coming.

I use the double-frame slides. I find them more satisfactory than the films, as then I can change my studies as I see fit. One of my readers gave me a color camera, and I am able to get some very beautiful pictures in color. I am now working on a set especially for children.

The people soon become interested, and after we have shown the pictures, we open our Bibles and look up some additional texts. Then before leaving, I give them a tract which deals with the subject that has been presented. Many times the father of the family, who feels that the pictures are really for the children and that no one is trying to win him, finally becomes interested and is won for the truth.

I often use the projector for a review of what has been presented. When studying with interested people, after using our Bibles for two or three studies, I set up the projector and review what we have gone over. I find that the pictures impress the texts more fully on the mind.

The projector has proved to be especially helpful in dealing with Catholics. They are accustomed to pictures, and are more easily interested in this way. I have been studying with a Greek Catholic woman, and although she had come to enjoy the study of the Bible with me, it was really the projector pictures that made the deep impression upon her mind.

When we come into a home with screen and machine, and see how the whole family wel­comes us—the older ones setting up the ma­chine and sometimes running it—all anxious to see what is coming, we offer up a little prayer of thankfulness that someone devised such an effective means for presenting the gospel.

One distinct advantage of the projector is this : When a Bible worker sometimes has to give six or seven studies a day, if two or three of them are given with the projector, she can accomplish much more in her time, as it does not take as long to give a study with pictures. The pictures help to break down prejudice, put folks at ease, and arouse an interest in the Bible. I feel that my little projector is truly a help in time of need, and I would not be without it.

By IRENE B. ANDERSON, Bible Worker, Sacramento, California

May 1941

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