Giving Evangelism First Place
The watchword of the recent General Conference session was "the finishing of the work under the power of the Holy Spirit."
Crystallizing the Emphasis of the Council
Recent highlights from the Evangelistic Counsel Sessions.
Editorial Keynotes
A look at the pre-conference evangelistic council and Ministerial Association Meetings of the Conference.
"Papacy" and the "Roman Catholic Church"
Here is a fundamental distinction, commonly overlooked or confused, between the papacy and the Roman Catholic Church.
The Bible Workers' Problem Hour
The purpose of the Bible Workers' Problem Hour was to give opportunity for our Bible workers to meet together where they could discuss their more intimate Problems with greater freedom than was possible in the regular Bible worker meetings at which the evangelists were invited to be present.
Perils of Nationalism in the Church of God
A survey of mission problems, methods, and relationships.
Highlights of the 1940 Statistical Report
What has been the growth of the denomination in 1940?
Prophetic Guidance in the Early Days
Part six of our consideration of the influence of the Spirit of Prophecy from 1844 to 1855 looks at the early development of church order.
Evangelistic Publicity Materials at General Conference
Efficient Evangelistic Methods and Pastoral Technique.
The Sabbath Morning Service
The Sabbath morning preaching service should be a fitting climax to a soul-winning Sabbath school service.