Health Message in Public Meetings

The Spirit of prophecy is freighted with much instruction and counsel concerning the part health reform is to play in the giving of the third angel's message.

By MARY A. VVALSH, Bible Worker, New Jersey Conference

The Spirit of prophecy is freighted with much instruction and counsel concerning the part health reform is to play in the giving of the third angel's message. Many are living under the impression that the subject of health reform is something apart from the giving of the gospel, but the following state­ment from the counsels to the church clearly indicate that the gospel as a whole includes the giving of the health message:

"The Lord has given instruction that the gospel is to be carried forward; and the gospel includes health reform in all its phases. Our work is to en­lighten the world ; for it is blind to the movements which are taking place, preparing the way for the plagues which God will permit to come upon the world. God's faithful watchmen must give the warn­ing. . . .

"Health reform is to stand out more prominently in the proclamation of the third angel's message. The principles of health reform are found in the word of God. The gospel of health is to be firmly linked with the ministry of the Word. It is the Lord's design that the restoring influence of health reform shall be a part of the last great effort to proclaim the gospel message."—"Counsels on Diet and Foods," p. 75.

For years it has been the practice in many of the evangelistic campaigns to leave health reform instruction until the last to be pre­sented to those seeking admittance to the church, thus making it a side issue, as it were. But if the health message had been presented along with the doctrinal points of truth throughout the campaign, the candidates for church membership would then have under­stood that the health reform is an integral part of the third angel's message.

Since we are creatures of habit, it is rather difficult to adjust ourselves to a different pro­gram in a short time. When the candidate is informed only one week before he is to be baptized that he must give up the use of tea, coffee, tobacco, unclean meats, condiments, etc., it is truly an injustice wrought upon him. While some under God comprehend the importance of laying aside all these harmful habits, yet there are those who are slow to grasp all that it means, and even slower to adjust themselves to the new program of living. We must remember that it is im­possible, in one study or one lecture, to present the health reform in all its phases. At the same time, it is utterly impossible for our hearers to fully understand the far-reaching principles of health reform, as presented in the Bible and the Testimonies, in so short a time.

Instead of the presentation of health prin­ciples militating against the giving of the third angel's message, it should enable the hearers to discern more clearly other points of truth. Mrs. White says:

"He [God] designs that the great subject of health reform shall be agitated, and the public mind deeply stirred to investigate; for it is impossible for men and women, with all their sinful, health-destroying, brain-enervating habits, to discern sacred truth, through which they are to be sanctified, refined, ele­vated, and made fit for the society of heavenly an­gels in the kingdom of glory."—Id., p. 70.

We may wonder why such a large propor­tion of the people who attend public efforts and listen to the stirring appeals given by the evangelists can remain so complacent and seemingly so indifferent to the entreaties of Heaven. The reason for this is quite discern­ible when we enter their homes and see their habits of living, particularly what they place on their tables. The messages given through the Spirit of prophecy make it clear that the one who is indulging in "health destroying, brain-enervating habits," is incapable of discerning sacred truth.

Because of this condition, which confronts me in practically every home I visit, and be­cause of the statements made by Mrs. White that health reform is to be firmly linked with the ministry of the Word, I have been led to study ways and means by which this instruc­tion can be carried out.

I have worked with evangelists who realized the importance of this subject and have requested me to conduct health talks and food demonstrations in connection with the public meetings which were being held. Whenever it was possible, I always availed myself of every opportunity to secure the services of a medical doctor, thus giving a dignity to the health reform. Realizing that more lasting impressions are made through the avenue of the eye than by the ear, I became interested in securing a stereopticon machine and in having slides made covering various subjects.

In the last effort with which I was connected, I had opportunity to conduct a class three eve­nings each week, for half an hour before the regular service began. One evening was devoted to questions and answers, another fea­tured the book of Revelation, and still an­other was given to the study of health, which was given with the aid of my stereopticon machine. It was quite evident that the people were interested in the instruction given, as they were present at the appointed time, which was ten minutes past seven. Some were at first attracted to the meetings because of the health question, and, becoming interested, re­mained for the regular meeting which followed. Thus they were converted and embraced the message in its entirety.

It is a fact that there is a crying need among our own people for health education, and many of them are anxious to become intelli­gent on this question. These health lectures in our public meetings serve two purposes—to enlighten those without the fold and those within the church.

By MARY A. VVALSH, Bible Worker, New Jersey Conference

October 1941

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