Walla Walla College

A report on field work at Walla Walla College.

By J. I. ROBISON, Department of Theology, Walla Walla College, Washington

Two groups of seminar students at Walla Walla College have been doing field work during the past school year. The first, under the direction of V. C. Becraft, were divided into five companies, and conducted public efforts in small towns within a radius of twenty to ninety miles of the college. These students have developed some very good interests. As a result of the public effort in Dayton, Wash­ington, ten have been baptized, and others are interested. In Hermiston, Oregon, an interest has developed as a result of the young men's work there that will call for a worker this summer to prepare a number for baptism. In other places there has been a good interest ; and, above all, the young men in this group have been gaining an experience that they could never have got in the classroom alone.

The other group has been conducting serv­ices in our churches in twelve communities in the States of Washington and Oregon. They hold Sabbath meetings, conduct Bible studies, distribute literature, and encourage the churches in missionary activities. It has been my privilege to visit nearly all these churches, and in every case our people have expressed deep appreciation of the help that- these stu­dents have been able to give. I feel convinced that this type of field work is a fine training for our young men who plan to go into the ministry.

By J. I. ROBISON, Department of Theology, Walla Walla College, Washington

October 1941

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