Dare We Abandon Our Study Life?
Conditions in the world demand that the ministers of God's final message shall think straight, have right ideas and high ideals, and know the truth without peradventure. This cannot be accomplished without persistent study and thorough research.
Reaching the Non-Christians of India
How to reach the great mass of Hindus with the gospel message in an effective way is the problem that missions in India face. I should like to throw out some suggestions which might be of help in meeting this great problem.
Radio Evangelism in China
More than seven years ago, in March, 1934, the Lord opened a door of opportunity for us to begin proclaiming the message over the air in Shanghai, China. Without interruption, this work has continued for a full hour every Sunday morning until recently.
Common Fire in Our Service
A warning for modern Nadabs and Abihus who profane God's service with the "common fire" of secularism in its many forms.
Using the Newspapers in South Africa
We are not able to use the radio here in, South Africa; so I have been using newspaper publicity in publishing the message.
The Science of Soul Winning
The art of persuading men to turn to Christ is the greatest science that this old sin-cursed world has ever known.
Affiliated Yet Independent Broadcasts
The accompanying cut is the joint emblem of three broadcasts conducted in the Middle Western States, all operating under the same name, yet separate in their work.
The Pastor and the Home (Part II)
Every pastor who faces frankly the problems of his church which to a greater or lesser extent have their origin in the home, must come to the conclusion that definite, well-planned action must be taken to improve the abilities of parents, that they may do more effective work in homemaking and child culture.