Affiliated Yet Independent Broadcasts

The accompanying cut is the joint emblem of three broadcasts conducted in the Middle Western States, all operating under the same name, yet separate in their work.

By FORDYCE W. DETAMORE, Radio Evangelist, Kansas City, Missouri

The accompanying cut is the joint emblem of three broadcasts conducted in the Middle Western States, all operating under the same name, yet separate in their work. The broadcasts are scheduled once a week for fifteen minutes, as follows :

L.H. Lindbeck, St. Louis, Missouri­ KXOK (630 kc.) 10:30 A. M. Sunday.

B.T. Senecal, Wichita, Kansas—KFH (1300 kc.) 9:30 A. M. Sunday.

F.W. Detamore, Kansas City, Missouri­WDAF (610 kc.) :30 A. M. Sunday.

Upon invitation of the Ministry, I will explain how we carry on our work in this little "chain." Each of our broadcasts starts with the same theme song—one stanza of a record­ing of "Jesus Saviour, Pilot Me," followed by the station announcement: "We are pleased to bring you at this time the sponsored broadcast of the Bible Auditorium of the Air, under the direction of Mr. --" (giving the name of the local speaker, each broadcaster being heard over his local station only). The name of the broadcast, the theme song, and the methods of raising money are the features common to the three broadcasts.

We have found it to be of mutual benefit to be tied together in this way. We list each of the other's broadcasts on our letterheads and radio logs, listinc,b them as "affiliated broad­casts." Similar chains might well be formed in other sections of the country, or names might be added to the Bible Auditorium of the Air chain.

Each broadcaster operates entirely inde­pendently of the others, and yet he is very definitely connected with the Bible Auditorium of the Air. This plan is proving to be a real strength to our work. It is giving prestige to our broadcasts to be affiliated with radio evan­gelists in other large cities. We believe it will be an aid in getting time on stations that might be reluctant to contract with an otherwise-un­known broadcaster.

As people living in Middle Western States pick up more than one Bible Auditorium of the Air broadcast, they immediately identify the broadcasts as being connected, and it puts them in a friendly frame of mind. And as people move from one State to another, they feel at home in listening to another broadcast of the Bible Auditorium of the Air, even though it is by a different speaker. We some­times refer to one another's broadcasts over the air. This brings in a good-will attitude and helps us all. It aids a new broadcast in imme­diately getting a sympathetic audience.

Each speaker offers his own materials and a "book of the month," and largely finances his own broadcasts, receiving only a very small monthly subsidy from the conference. The paragraphs which follow reveal how our radio work has been made largely self-supporting.

Copies of printed lectures given elsewhere than over the radio are offered free to those who write in. At times, copies of Present Truth, Watchman, Signs of the Times, or health papers are offered. We find that it helps to make the same free offer two weeks in suc­cession. We urge all to write in, as this brings us more contacts, and a large mail gives the broadcasts favor with the station. A file is kept of those who write in for free literature, and these names become the mailing list for the monthly letter we send out.

Each month each speaker chooses a new "book of the month"—one of our Crisis books of 96 or 128 pages. Each Sunday during the current month that particular book is featured in the announcements as "the hook of the month which is sent to all of you who care to help with these broadcasts this month to the extent of a dollar or more. Remember, you are the sponsors of these broadcasts. Your help is greatly appreciated, and you will certainly enjoy this book that is offered this month." Each month a letter is sent to those on our mailing list, describing the importance of the new book of the month, and with it an appeal for a contribution. I always put in a note that reads something like this : "Now, there are some of you who cannot afford to give even a penny.

Please do not feel discouraged because you cannot send in anything. Others will give to make up for what you would like to do, but are unable to. I want you to pray for these broadcasts, and be sure to write in for all the free material which is offered, for I do appre­ciate your letters."

Enclosed with this letter is a bright-colored envelope addressed to the Bible Auditorium of the Air, in which our listeners can return their contributions. (The advantage of the bright-colored envelope is that wherever they see it around the house, it reminds them that they should mail it back with an offering.) After several months it may be best to mail the monthly letter to the contributors' list only ; that is, to those who at some time have sent in a contribution.

I have never taken a radio offering in church, but I do take one in my public evangelistic campaigns. Sunday night is always "radio night" in my efforts. After I have held up the book of the month, and described it to the audience, the ushers come to the front and pass out the bright-colored radio envelopes to all the people. Then they come forward and pass the plates to collect both the general offering and the envelopes that contain the radio offering. Each donor has placed his name and address on the envelope so that the book of the month can be mailed to him. A different Crisis book is offered each month, and this encourages all to give a dollar every month.

(The next article describes the Bible Study Correspondence School, which is proving to be an effective method of radio follow-up work.)

By FORDYCE W. DETAMORE, Radio Evangelist, Kansas City, Missouri

November 1941

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