The Bible Worker's Key Place

The Spirit of prophecy teaches that God places a high value upon the services of the Bible worker.

By GEORGE R. WEST, Evangelist, San Francisco, California

The Spirit of prophecy teaches that God places a high value upon the services of the Bible worker. The need for more Bible workers is one of our greatest needs today for the finishing of the work. Personal Bible teachers are important in connection with public efforts. Fortunate indeed is the minister who has such workers, who are devoted and capable, to assist him in a public soul-winning endeavor. The following instruction straight from heaven, makes it clear that Bible workers who are connected with a public effort are not merely to visit and pass out literature and invitations, but to have a definite responsibility in establishing interested ones in the great truths of the Bible.

"As the result of the presentation of truth in large congregations, a spirit of inquiry is awakened, and it is especially important that this interest be fol­lowed by personal labor. Those who desire to investigate the truth need to be taught to study dili­gently the word of God. Someone must help them to build on a sure foundation. At this critical time in their religious experience, how important it is that wisely directed Bible workers come to their help, and open to their understanding the treasure house of God's word !"—"Gospel Workers," p. 364.

Although it may not be wise for Bible work­ers to go ahead of the public meetings in the presentation of Bible subjects, they should be able to review the subjects presented, and give additional information for which there was not time in the sermon, and which will deepen the impression made by the sermon. When an interested person has missed a particular sub­ject, the Bible worker should be able to present it, and keep the interest developing.

Responsibility to Gain Decisions

The Bible worker is as definitely called of God to teach the Scriptures as is the minister, and should feel just as responsible for bringing the people to a decision for the truth. The public should be given to understand that the Bible workers associated with the meetings are fully capable of explaining the truths. As a rule, our Bible workers are conscious of this sacred responsibility, and many of the deci­sions in our evangelistic campaigns are the result of their faithful work.

Have we thought too much of the Bible worker as merely a helper in a campaign? I fear we have overlooked the importance of the Bible worker as an independent worker, or perhaps a pioneer. I am convinced that in many of our small towns, and perhaps in some of the neglected cities, a good interest might be awakened by Bible workers.

I recall an instance in which a Bible worker was sent out all alone to a small town in which there were no believers. In the course of a few months, fifteen or twenty people were attending a Sabbath school which had resulted from her work. I remember another instance of a Bible worker's being sent alone to a small town. She brought in as many people during the summer as a tent company in another small town in the same conference.

As I read the Testimonies, I am often im­pressed with the repeated emphasis upon personal and house-to-house work. It is plainly stated that such work is more important than preaching. I believe that before we finish the task, personal Bible teachers will be more and more appreciated and encouraged, and their services more urgently in demand.

By GEORGE R. WEST, Evangelist, San Francisco, California

January 1942

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