Extensive Every-Night Evangelism Needed
Extracts from a statement made at the General Conference Officers' meeting held in Battle Creek, Michigan, just prior to the 1941 Autumn Council.
Facing the Modern Audience
The generation to whom we now go with the message of truth for this hour has undergone a tragic change in thought and mental attitude toward those great fundamentals which gripped the minds of their forebears.
Adherence to Church Standards
In the light of the recent Autumn Council action adopting a uniform baptismal certificate and summary of faith, it is well to restudy the 1941 General Conference action on "Adherence to Church Standards" and deprecation of independent standards.
Some of Burma's Evangelistic Problems
A survey of mission problems, methods, and relationships.
Frank Admission Regarding Sunday
The reasons assigned for Sundaykeeping have been various and specious.