Junior Choir in Child Evangelism

Emphasizing child evangelism in the church.

L.C.K. is an associate editor of the Ministry.

Since the day when the Master called the children to His side, saying to His dis­ciples, "Suffer little children to come unto Me," child evangelism has received new impetus in the church. That busy evangelistic company felt that there was no time for a children's program, but Jesus found the time. He reached the children and youth, and gave the church an object lesson of a method that has always produced results.

 In some communities prejudice must be broken down before confidence for the special truths of our message can be won, whether in public or in personal evangelism. An interest in the children of that community will create a wholesome interest in our doctrines which are largely adapted to the adult mind. Al­though the evangelist may aim at simplicity in presenting the doctrinal points, there is still a real need to reach the children and youth from the level of childhood's thinking. This re­quires more than a natural love for children, or even a simplification of our doctrinal truths and an adaptation of them to the young mind.

Since this field is wide open for initiative and experiment, we may gain ideas from our Bible workers who have had some experience in this line. The following suggestions from Mrs. Glenn Goffar of Agate Beach, Oregon, show what may be accomplished by a Bible worker with musical ability and leadership.

"In March when my husband erected his tabernacle in Newport, a coast town of fifteen hundred people, we had eight baptized church members in this town. We had a good attend­ance to begin with, but by the time we reached the testing truths, we had established a strong children's program which helped to hold up our attendance.

"We contacted the principal of the public school, and offered free training to all children who would come to the tabernacle after school. A goodly number came to practice and pre­pare for the junior choir in the Friday night program. It was very encouraging to have a large attendance of parents out every Fri­day night to see little Johnnie or Mary in the chorus. Each mother made her little girl a cape of unbleached muslin, costing fifteen cents each. These made the children look clean and uniform as they sang.

"There are many songs that can be used by children. One night the children sang, 'Shall We Gather at the River ?' as beautiful slides of heaven were projected on the screen. An­other night a little boy sat in an improvised tent and sang the solo part of 'Tell It Again,' and the children sang back the answer. On another occasion a boy with a beautiful voice sang one stanza of 'My Mother's Prayers Have Followed Me,' in answer to the group, who sang, 'Where Is My Wandering Boy Tonight?'

"Toward the close of the meetings we found that most of these children had joined our Sabbath school classes, and many of their parents were Sabbathkeepers. Now we have an organized church of fifty-two members.

Last Sabbath we had a testimony meeting, and most of the new believers testified to their joy in the newly found truth."

Anyone interested in the names of concerns which feature projects or books on child evangelism may receive help by writing the Ministerial Association. May we kindly urge our Bible workers with experience in conducting children's evangelistic meetings, junior choirs, or junior baptismal classes to share their plans and methods with the field through the columns of the Ministry.             

L. C. K

L.C.K. is an associate editor of the Ministry.

March 1942

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