The Voice of Prophecy national broadcast I was heard for the first time on the first Sunday night in January over eighty-nine stations. At the end of February we are able to report To' stations sounding the advent message through this program each Sunday night.
Further added coverage is anticipated, and we are hoping to operate over more stations during the months to come. These additions are making it possible for large additional populations in the Central and Northwestern States, as well as in the Southeastern States, to hear the message through this medium.
Our great need now is extension, and this as quickly as possible, for wherever the people hear the message, they write most appreciatively and gratefully on both the quality and the content of the Voice of Prophecy program. The response thus far has been most encouraging. We therefore face this fact—the greater the coverage, the more listeners; the more listeners, the bigger the mail: the bigger the mail, the larger the gifts; the larger the gifts, the wider the coverage. And so this expanding plan works in precisely this way.
Encouraged by the opening weeks, the General Conference Committee, on the recommendation of the Radio Commission, has authorized an added budget expenditure for more stations. We hope that soon practically all the large centers of population will be able clearly to hear this timely and edifying message.
Two weeks ago the Voice of Prophecy Bible School of the Air was introduced to the listeners. Requests for studies following this announcement have been pouring into the office in Glendale at the rate of five hundred a day. It is estimated that of those beginning the studies, up to thirty-five per cent will complete the course of twenty-six lessons. And we earnestly believe that a large number of those who complete this course of lessons will become Sabbathkeepers.
There are possibilities in this radio work that are far beyond our present comprehension. If we can only avail ourselves of these wonderful opportunities, we shall surely see the dawn of a new day in souls saved, and a fresh revelation of God's almighty power in this particular aspect of evangelism.
We are meeting problems which the adversary has stirred up. In various ways he is attempting to hinder this work by making certain demands that are both costly and difficult to cope with. But we feel that the Lord, who has so remarkably opened the way for us to 0-o on the air at a time when these national avenues seemed to be rapidly closing to additional religious programs, will use His mighty power to keep us on the air and to extend the influence of this work.
We have faith to believe that this radio development is of God. With courage we continue our work. We rely on the support of our workers, our church members, and the listening public to further this interest. And above all we pray for the abiding presence of the Spirit of God.