The Greater Bible Work

The Greater Bible Work—No.V

Part five of our continued look at bible work.

L.C.K. is an an associate editor of the Ministry.

The presentation of our truth-compelling message, whether in public or in private, must be with power. A simple, unostentatious style allows the force of conviction to flash through the Bible teacher's speech and per­sonality. The effectiveness of the message is produced by deep earnestness born of personal conviction of its importance.

Paul's noblest theme was the cross of Cal­vary. The cross must now be our stimulus for truth teaching. A skillful handling of the Word, with all its sound logic, must not eclipse the cross. The listener's attention must not be focused on the subject of communication; it must be pointed to the direct object of salva­tion. A Bible reading should vibrate inspira­tion and offer a challenge to obey what the Book teaches.

We have been cautioned by the messenger of God to avoid tame and lifeless teaching. If our Bible readings are to maintain force and power, they must be polished and repolished, or they will soon lose their primitive luster. John the Baptist was a "burning and a shining light." We must speak with an authority which grows out of a background of unhur­ried prayer and personal preparation.

An evangelist is expected to spend many hours in preparing a convincing lecture or a stirring sermon. His Bible worker, who gives three or four Bible studies a day, certainly needs unusual resources of virtue, subject matter, and argument. Her daily program must allow for an infilling which produces the joy of service. The satisfaction of true spir­itual accomplishment in her own life, and in the lives of those for whom she ministers, will add glory to the profession. We must guard against the modern pressure that keeps us busy about "many things" without accomplishing the "one thing . . . needful."

Clarity of Thought; Effective Expression

I. Truth—It's Radiating Power. (Ps. 34:5, margin ; 51 :6 ; 97 II 63:1, 2.)

I. Truth in demonstration and power. AA 244, 545.

2.Converted teacher radiates Christ. AA 251.

3.Vital, heavenly fire. AA 329, 330, 334; John 5:35.

II. Paul's Example of Animated Expression and Mental Poise. (Acts 17:16-32; 7.)

1. Uplifting the cross of Calvary. AA 245-246.

2. Pouring out a soul burden. AA 237, 247.

3. Presenting the fundamentals. AA 252, 270.

4. Studying effects of his message. AA 322,

5. Tranquillity impressed jailer and Agrippa. AA 216, 435.

6. Idolatrous listeners drawn. AA 237, 241.

7. Clear teaching won Apollos. AA 270.

III. Steps in Effective Expression.

1. Knowledge of the subject.

2. Related material and background.

3. Selection of material.

4.Orderly arrangement.

5. Unfolding progressively.

6. Introduction of details,

7. Fitting into occasion.

8. Clarifying unfamiliar expressions.

9. Measuring capacity of the listener.

10. Holding to the point.                         

L. C. K.

L.C.K. is an an associate editor of the Ministry.

May 1942

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