Editorial Keynotes

Are we bible teachers or bell ringers?

L.E.F. is editor of the Ministry

The time was when the major task of the Bible worker was to give Bible studies to individuals and to groups in the home, to review or to present topics missed by the reader in an evangelistic series, to answer Bible questions that perplexed, to help solve prob­lems that became deterrents to decision, and to lead men and women to a definite individual stand for this message. She was in the highest sense the evangelist's Bible-teaching associate. And all this was considered an integral and established part of the evangelistic effort.

But, in recent years, owing to a certain evan­gelistic philosophy that has gained ascendancy with many, this concept and practice have been radically changed. As a result, the plans and expectations of a good many evangelists as concerns Bible work have materially altered. And the life of the Bible worker is consequently quite different from what it was formerly. Some evangelists do not wish their Bible work­ers to conduct Bible studies in the homes of the people during the effort. This is revolutionary ! We apparently live in a new epoch.

The chief vocation of some of our present Bible workers has become that of doorbell ringers, handbill distributors, and general han­dywomen aiding in the mechanics of an effort. Going from home to home, and leaving a piece of literature, they invite and encourage people to come to hear the evangelist. The evangelist does practically all the teaching from the desk, answers the leading questions in the hurried question-box period, and leads to group deci­sion in the public services and aftermeetings. Bible studies are largely reserved, with some, for follow-up work near the end of the public effort or after it has closed. Gaining decision is largely confined to the public meetings, with later home instruction to build up and hold, so far as possible, the public decisions made.

Such a procedure has certain inherent weak­nesses and certain inevitable results. It does not build for the most substantial and perma­nent Adventism on the part of new converts. This is definitely reflected in our heavy evan­gelistic casualties. Altogether too many quickly fall out by the wayside. This concerns us, but we do little about it. We discuss it and deplore it, but we do not seek out the cause and remedy it. Strong, intelligent Adventists-to-be need more substantial teaching in their homes than they usually receive under the plan now rather generally in vogue. Too many of our mass converts are weak in the faith. They are not solidly established through comprehensive Bible study.

The pictured-truth hour and the large Bible class reviews, helpful and important as they are, even though they are carried on in some instances by outstanding Bible workers, do not alone suffice. There are too many absences that make missing links in the chain. There are too many generalities. This is too whole­sale a process to meet many individual needs. Large group studies are desirable and needful, but they are not sufficient. These efforts need to be supplemented by strong personal work to meet that still-unanswered individual need. Our fundamental business is not simply to lead people to decision, or even to join people to the church, but to make strong, substantial Adventists of our converts, who must know what they believe, and why, and who will re­main with us as full-fledged Adventists.

The trend we are discussing here has, moreover, had a weakening effect upon the Bible workers themselves. Since the services of the Bible worker are employed in the more mechanical features of evangelism—distribut­ing handbills, visiting absentees, keeping rec­ords, and keeping the people coming, with the bulk of instruction given publicly, with the questions answered en masse, and the important interviews turned over to the evangelist—two things have happened :

(I) A few Bible workers, with outstanding public-speaking ability, have developed into associate preachers. These enjoy the thrill of the crowd and the easier method of mass effort.

(2) But the majority have, under the proc­ess, grown weaker, as regards skilled home Bible studies and genuine teachings of the Word. They have slipped in ability to solve those perplexing problems that hamper, and to answer adequately the many and varied Bible questions that harass the minds of so many inquirers. They are not so able in that distinc­tive field as were their sisters formerly. This is a serious, yes, a tragic, but direct result of the new philosophy and drift, which needs serious study and immediate rectification.

We cannot possibly expect to get the cream of the feminine talent of our denomination for the Bible worker profession until this high calling is exalted to its rightful place, unless and until thorough and adequate training is given, and unless teaching talents and capabili­ties are fully employed in our evangelistic efforts. The lure of becoming a glorified bell ringer does not have a strong appeal. Any earnest layman can serve in that capacity.

The situation calls for careful study and definite readjustment. It calls for revision of plans and practices. Nor will we get the most out of trained associates unless we place re­sponsibility upon them, and let them carry it. We will never secure or hold consecrated women Bible teachers, unless soul-winning Bible teaching is again made the primary em­phasis and object of the Bible work.

We need to increase our strength just here at this time. We must seek for greater results from our united evangelistic endeavors, and for greater permanence in our accessions of souls. The hour is late. The Spirit of prophecy blueprint is very clear and explicit upon these points. But we have unwittingly departed from the divine outline. It is impera­tive that we get back into harmony with these divinely communicated principles.              

L. E. F.

L.E.F. is editor of the Ministry

September 1942

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