Questionnaire Response from KGER

A question and answer interview.

By BEVERIDGE R. SPEAR, Radio Evangelist, Lynwood, California

1. Is your broadcast tied into a regular evan­gelistic program in tabernacle, hall, tent, or church?

My radio program is tied into my tabernacle effort, and affords an excellent advertising medium.

2. By what name do you announce yourself over the air? Do you state that you are an Adventist?

I do not state that I am an Adventist. I announce, in connection with my theme song, "This is Evangelist B. R. Spear of Prophecy Speaks, KGER, Long Beach, California," and at times I add, "with free reading rooms at 540 West 6th Street in downtown Los An­geles. When foot weary from shopping, drop in to this homey, comfortable place with an abundance of free reading material. This is your reading room."

3. What do you feature on your broadcast­sermonettes, question box, Bible studies, quiet talks, X-raying the news, selections from books?

My broadcast comes six days a week, which is a heavy program. I feature questions on Monday, and children's stories the first fifteen minutes of my time on Thursday. I am taking the message in a general sweep and following it through, looking forward to completing it in twelve months. Because of the many broad­casts, I have found it necessary, and also a great blessing, to develop very definitely in detail whatever subjects I undertake, whether

I use one broadcast or ten to complete the subject. I seek to maintain the attitude of a visit and a personal conversation, rather than the preacheristic attitude.

4. How is your total time broken down for mu­sic, message, announcements, financial appeal?

I get to my talk usually in about five or six minutes. My theme song, introduction, and announcement of the first song, followed by a short prayer, usually take five to six minutes. I speak until there are five to seven minutes left; then I announce the second hymn, which is faded, using the music as a background during the closing prayer. When that hymn is finished, we are faded into an instrumental selection and then into a background, against which we use the last three minutes for announcement and appeal.

5. What is your preferred time for broadcast­ing?

The fact that radio costs double after six o'clock in the evening shows which is the best time. I am now broadcasting Monday through Friday, 6:30 to 7 :00 P. NI.; and 4:30 to 500 P. M. on Saturdays. Originally, my time was at 4:30 each day, but a few weeks ago we changed to the time we now use. We believe it was a wise move.

6. Do you have a book-of-the-month plan for sustaining radio members?

We started out with a book-of-the-month plan, but we felt it was too much to announce the same book six days a week. We are now work­ing on a plan of giving two books a month, on the first and on the fifteenth of the month. We send the books out to all who make donations, regardless of the amount.

7. Do you conduct a radio school of the air? If so, with what lessons, questions, certificate?

We conduct a radio school of the air using six special lessons that we have prepared, fol­lowed by the twenty-six standard Bible lessons now in general use. We supply those who com­plete the course with a certificate personalizing our own program, and with a year's subscrip­tion to Life and Health.

8. Do you have a local reading room in con­nection with your broadcast? If so, with what results?

The Southern California Conference has opened a very attractive suite of reading rooms in Los Angeles, and it is growing in strength. Those in charge are selling our liter­ature, and daily classes are being conducted in the doctrines of our message. Already some of these contacts have borne fruit.

9. Does the program pay for itself? What is your method of finance!

For the first six months, contributions from listeners paid for our radio time, but not for our secretarial work, postage, and the large volume of literature mailed out and distributed. We believe, however, that that is a good record for the first six months. The local conference is behind the program, but we desire to make it self-sustaining. We are dependent upon our listeners and friends to meet our running ex­penses each month.

10. Are war conditions causing you to modify your approaches and presentations?

The Federal Communications Commission has made very definite regulations for all radio programs on the West Coast, and we cannot say on the air what we might say in our taber­nacle about current events. We have to modify our statements on the air ; yet we can still give the plain truth in doctrine and gospel.

11. How do you secure names and addresses, and how do you follow up your interests?

We secure names and addresses by offering books in response to donations, by offering the free correspondence school course, and from time to time, by making special free offers to anyone who writes in. We follow this up by letter as far as possible, and by mailing litera­ture in answer to questions ; and where interest apparently is sufficient, we pass on the name to workers in the vicinity for follow-up. In addi­tion, we have our own evangelistic group to visit those within our tabernacle area.

By BEVERIDGE R. SPEAR, Radio Evangelist, Lynwood, California

November 1942

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