The Minister and Historical Materials
All who would fully utilize the present and all who hope to make their future profitable, dare not neglect giving attention to the past.
Relation of Radio to the Message
The radio has been rightly styled the "air arm of the message." It seeks to co-operate in the execution of a God-given commission which requires the message of Revelation 14 to be heard in every corner of this old world.
Unique Openings for Bible Work
Present-day conditions have brought a new emphasis to the whole question of religious education for children in public schools. As revealed in this article Miss Zeelau has seized an opportunity which fitted into a Lutheran community.
Babel Voices on Evangelism
There seems to be a definite shift of emphasis in this critical hour.
Effective Contacts Among Non-Adventists
A Survey of Mission Problems, Methods, and Relationships
The Place of Public Evangelism No. 1
There are many today, not of our faith, who are sensing the fact that the home has been recreant to its trust.