Medical Work to be of Highest Order

Much effort and a great deal of hard work are required to keep any line of successful endeavor abreast of the standards demanded by high-quality results.

 By E. H. RISLEY, M. D., Dean, College of Medical Evangelists, Loma Linda

Much effort and a great deal of hard work are required to keep any line of successful endeavor abreast of the standards demanded by high-quality results. At times some have wondered whether our medical work needs to be held up to the full standard of efficiency in the best institutions of the world. The idea of not meeting high standards, how­ever, is not in accord with the statements pre­sented in the Spirit of prophecy for our work.

Notice this quotation from "Counsels to Teachers :" "While seeking a preparation for his lifework, the medical student should be en­couraged to attain the highest possible develop­ment of all his powers. His studies, taxing though they are, need not necessarily undermine his physical health, or lessen his enjoyment of spiritual things." Page 474. This quotation, it will be seen, applies to preparation on the part of the student, and is quite clear in application to the basic science studies in the medical course.

Again, note the following from "Healthful Living," paragraph 1091:

"There are many who are in such haste to climb to distinction that they skip some of the rounds of the ladder, and have, in so doing, lost essential experience, which they should have in order to become intelligent workers. In their zeal the knowledge of many things looks unimportant to them. They skim over the surface, and do not go deep and thorough, climbing round after round of the ladder of progress by a slow and painful process, thus gaining an experience which will enable them to help others to ascend. We want men and women who are more thorough, and who feel it their duty to improve every talent lent them, that they may finally double their entrusted capital."

There is no indication of superficial work in this interesting quotation. In fact, similar in­struction is presented a number of times in various places in the Spirit of prophecy writings.

Following is a further example of such in­struction: "Let every medical student aim to reach a high standard. Under the discipline of the greatest of all teachers our course must ever tend upward to perfection."—"Counsels to Teachers," p. 476. Not only does this statement call for good work by the students in school, but the same type of excellence is to be seen in the worker's practice when he becomes a fully qualified physician. This is clearly stated in another quotation in "Counsels to Teachers :" "The light that God has given in medical mis­sionary lines will not cause His people to be regarded as inferior in scientific medical knowl­edge, but will fit them to stand upon the highest eminence."—Ibid.

Some may think that a purely scientific train­ing is the all-important factor and that it is not necessary to develop and cultivate evangelistic and spiritual lines of endeavor. These, how­ever, are shown to be very important in the following terse but clear statement: "That knowledge which is termed science should be acquired, while the seeker daily acknowledges that the fear of God is the beginning of wisdom. Everything that will strengthen the mind should be cultivated to the utmost of their power, while at the same time they should seek God for wisdom ; for unless they are guided by the wisdom from above, they will become an easy prey to the deceptive power of Satan."—Id., P. 477.

Again, in the same book, we read: "Be not satisfied with ordinary attainments ; seek to qualify yourselves to fill positions of trust in connection with the Lord's work in the earth. United with the God of wisdom and power, you may become intellectually strong, and increas­ingly capable as soul winners. You may become men and women of responsibility and influence, if, by the power of your will, coupled with di­vine strength, you earnestly engage in the work of securing a proper training."—Page 474.

Saving Souls as Well as Bodies

These quotations and other counsel given especially to our medical group indicate that the religious activities of one's life are necessary and that not only is scientific work of the first order called for, but the same excellence is ex­pected in connection with spiritual values. Do we as medical missionary workers fill this pic­ture as we should? There is no doubt that the religious aspect of our medical work gives it greater efficiency and thus should enhance its success. In many cases, ability to help people spiritually makes our work appeal more to those who are receiving help. What a privilege we medical workers may enjoy in saving not only the bodies but also the souls of men and women.

Thus one is brought to the conclusion that our teaching, the work of our institutions, and the practice of our professional men is to be of the very highest order. This does not mean that we are to follow precisely the path of men of the world, but it does mean that our work will be of first quality with special refer­ence to the choice of methods used, honesty of application, and willingness to serve whole­heartedly for the best good of the individual involved.

Health Defense (Continued) tr. Food for Fitness


1. Introduction

A time of national emergency—whole country "all out" for victory. A way in which we can help although we may never see a battlefield—by eating our way to victory. Claude R. Wick­ard, Secretary of Agriculture, says : "Food is a whole arsenal of weapons in this struggle for human freedom. It is the driving force behind high production by munitions workers and top-notch performance and strong morale among soldiers and sailors."

Appropriate words recorded in Ecclesiastes 10:17: "Blessed art thou, 0 land, when . . . thy princes eat in due season, for strength, and not for drunkenness !"

2. Importance of Nutrition

Today as never before, importance of proper diet recognized both for prevention of disease and promotion of vigorous health. Dr. William Osier, famous authority in medical science, says that go percent of disease, other than conta­gious diseases, may be directly or indirectly traced to errors in diet. Another London au­thority states that half of what we eat keeps us alive, and the other half keeps the doctor alive.

Some today are not getting enough to eat. As a nation, Americans have plenty to eat, but too many do not have a well-balanced diet and are virtually suffering from "famine in the midst of plenty." Food often chosen, not for nutritional value, but for appeal to the eye or taste. Again, owing to modern methods of refining cereals, improper preparation and cook­ing, and other factors, mineral and vitamin content of food is destroyed.

Now with country at war, national leaders recognize necessity of keeping up health, en­ergy, and even morale, by using the proper food. Government considers diet so important a part of national defense that National Re­search Council Committee on Foods and Nu­trition has been organized to give people scien­tific guidance in promotion of better national nutrition.

3. "Protective Nutrition"

Increasing awareness that food is a very im­portant factor in winning war. What is meant by good nutrition? Not only plenty of food of good quality and considerable variety, but more vital still, plenty of the "protective foods" (those containing liberal amounts of minerals, vita­mins, and complete protein). These substances needed for body growth and repair of worn-out tissues, regulation of vital processes, and pro­tection from deficiency diseases. Necessary if nerves, bone, and muscle are to remain healthy and if the various organs of the body are to function properly.

D. Original Diet Acknowledged Best Diet not an afterthought with God.

"He who created man and who understands his needs appointed Adam his food. . . . Grains, fruits, nuts, and vegetables constitute the diet chosen for us by our Creator. These foods, prepared in as simple and natural a manner as possible, are the most health­ful and nourishing. They impart a strength, a power of endurance, and a vigor of intellect, that are not afforded by a more complex and stimulating diet."—"Ministry of Healing," pp. 293, 296.

For years, Seventh-day Adventists have had light on subject of diet and health. Importance of what and how we eat stressed many times, but like Israel of old we have murmured at the divinely recommended menu. We have not listened to the word of the Lord, and now we have to be told the same thing by leading scientists and nutritionists. Reference to many statements might be made, but we will quote from only one outstanding authority in the field,

4. V. McCollum, of Johns Hopkins University:

"Lactovegetarianism (that is, the use of a meatless diet containing milk or milk products) is, when the diet is properly planned, the most highly satisfactory plan which can be adopted in the nutrition of man.

True values in nutrition set forth in the pres­ent emergency. Instead of flesh food, the origi­nal diet acknowledged by warring nations as best for physical strength and endurance. Ger­man army kept on the march with food ration consisting largely of soybean concentrate. A proposal for a "siege diet," should that be neces­sary, has been drawn up by Sir John Orr, promi­nent in the field of nutrition in England, with daily diet as follows : 6 ounces green vegetables, one pound potatoes, two ounces oatmeal, twelve ounces whole-meal bread, one ounce fat, one ounce sugar, and one pint milk.

E. Five-Point Standard for Balanced Diet

Do not have to be dietetic experts in order to combine proper foods and plan well-balanced meals. Do not have to know how many units of vitamin A are contained in a carrot or how many milligrams of calcium are found in a glass of milk. If you will follow the five simple rules outlined, your family ensured a well-balanced diet every day.

I. Quart Milk: Quart of milk for each child daily, and pint for each adult. Milk the most nearly complete food, containing almost all essential nutrients. Besides containing vitamin A and a good share of our complete protein, it is the richest source of calcium, so important in development of bones and teeth.

2. Fruits: At least one should be fresh. Preferable to use a citrus fruit or tomatoes daily, because they supply best source of vitamin C. Yellow fruits high in mineral and vitamin con­tent. Quality and careful preparation also im­portant.

3. Vegetables: Use at least two kinds daily in addition to potato. Select vegetables care­fully for freshness and prime quality. Both raw and cooked. Cook with steam or very little water, and only until tender. Do not overcook. Include green, leafy vegetables every day. Bright yellow and green vegetables contain much vitamin A, which is important in preven­tion of 'colds and other infections. Vegetables also a mine of minerals—calcium, phosphorus, iron, copper.

Whole Grains: Serve whole-grain cereal and bread, either made of whole meal or with wheat germ added. In the outer layers and the tiny wheat germ we find essential B vita­mins, which promote steady nerves, keep up appetite, and give pep and energy.

Complete Protein: Though last on list, the very word "protein" means first. Protein foods build and repair tissue. Essential to life. Com­posed of a number of substances called amino acids. All protein foods not complete, however. Do not contain all essential components. Only complete proteins are milk, milk products (cheese, etc.), soybeans, and flesh foods. Al­though not complete, nuts and legumes are rich in protein. When used in combination with milk, eggs, and cereals, make a complete protein dish.

Protein not stored in body. Therefore we must take in an adequate amount of complete protein daily. In addition to milk, diet should contain one egg and one serving of cottage cheese or soybeans, or some combination making up complete protein.

"Sunshine" vitamin D necessary if body is to utilize calcium and phosphorus, but not found in any natural food. Must be obtained from direct rays of sun, or artificially through cod-liver oil and irradiated foods. Every child should have cod-liver oil regularly after the second week of life.

F. How We Eat—Eating Habits

Eating habits as important as food itself. Regular meals, with breakfast the most important meal of the day. Eating between meals definitely detrimental to health and good nutri­tion. "Never let a morsel [of food] pass your lips between your regular meals."—"Testimo­nies," Vol. II, p. 373.

Eat moderately. "It is possible to eat im­moderately, even of wholesome food. . . . Over­eating, no matter what the quality of the food, clogs the living machine, and thus hinders it in its work."—"Counsels on Health," J. 119.

Masticate food thoroughly, both for dental health and for the sake of nutrition. Remember the old adage, if you taste your food before you swallow it, you will be less likely to taste it afterward.

G. Conclusion

The experience of Daniel in adherence to true plan of living. Not only in physical condition, but mentally as well, "in all matters of wisdom and understanding," the king found Daniel and his companions ten times better than any others in all the realm of Babylon. "Like faithfulness today will produce like results."—"Ministry of Healing," p. 285.

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 By E. H. RISLEY, M. D., Dean, College of Medical Evangelists, Loma Linda

March 1943

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