The Minister's Private Reading
Paul recognized the importance of reading, both in his own life and in his counsel to the young ministers under his care.
A New Approach on Saving Youth
Countering the idea that the work for our young people is largely finished once they are baptized.
Low-Cost Evangelism
Written shortly before Elder Cone's recent transfer to the Florida Conference.—EDITOR.
The Pastor's Multiple Duties
One of the gifts of the Spirit of God is that of pastors. (Eph. 4:8, 11.) No pastor can be successful in his ministry unless this gift of heaven is daily bestowed upon him.
Pro-Catholic Trends in Choir Schools
After attending two prominent schools where the standards of artistic church choirs are of the highest, I am impressed with certain trends, which, if carried over into our work, would dilute the strength of our vocal-music program.
Bible Readings as a Continued Series
The Bible instructor today would do well to capitalize in present-day interest in the continued serial story.
Personally Prepared Readings
Truth teaching has been greatly simplified by using the different sets of graduated studies now published for home Bible study.