Bible Class for New Converts

It is truly just as necessary for the Bible in­structor to establish new converts as it is to bring them to a definite decision

By IRENE B. ANDERSON, Bible Instructor, Pasadena, California.

It is truly just as necessary for the Bible in­structor to establish new converts as it is to bring them to a definite decision. When they are brought in under an effort, they need to be firmly established and carefully cared for until they are able to stand alone. They need to be shown how to study. I believe this is best ac­complished by having a Bible study class where they can come together, ask questions, take notes, and tell of their own findings.

In this class they are enrolled and made to feel that they are expected to attend every meeting. They are assigned certain chapters to read. Many times we take up the study of Daniel and the Revelation chapter by chapter.

Each is encouraged to study and bring some thought to present to the class. I urge them to study the Spirit of prophecy books in connection with the Bible, thus establishing them in doctrine and building up their faith in these wonderful books.

Another way of establishing new converts is to give them some definite missionary work to do. When they are working for others they are also helping themselves. Some will fit into the Dorcas work, and some will enjoy distributing literature. The mothers who are tied down at home will especially fit into a program of hand­ing out tracts to those who come to their doors.

It is also necessary that new members be visited in their homes. It is a good plan to select some of the older members and assign them names of people on whom to call. This is a help to both new members and old.

When the Voice of Prophecy company fin­ished an effort in Sacramento a few years ago, it left a hundred new converts to be taken care of. It seemed an impossible task at first, but with the co-operation of pastor, Bible instruc­tor, and members, it was accomplished.

Aside from the joy that comes to us in seeing a soul surrendered to God, the next greatest joy is to see that soul become a true worker in the Master's vineyard. Someone has said, "The Egyptian lotus is fair to see as it opens its blood-red bowl, but the fairest thing in the world to me is the growth of a budding soul."

By IRENE B. ANDERSON, Bible Instructor, Pasadena, California.

July 1944

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