Eleven Pertinent Suggestions

Advice for radio ministry.

By JOHN G. MITCHELL, Evangelist, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

1. Better and quicker success comes to one possessed with a good radio voice.

2. In a conversational voice present a worth while message with points well outlined and timed. The message must be valuable and interesting.

3. Offer your talk free in printed or mimeographed form to those who write for it. Send all who write not only the talk but also several cards or printed circulars, advertising your broadcast. Ask them to mail or give these to their friends.

4. Get the church members to circularize the city and suburbs with your radio advertising.

5. Newspaper advertising.

6. Spot announcements calling attention to your program through the day.

7. Good music, plenty of it, timed to the message.

8. Make your announcements short.

9. Your message should not be over eight minutes out of fifteen.

10. Avoid cheap methods. Begging for money cheapens your work. Do that by correspondence.

11. Make your whole program dignified, well balanced, interesting, and helpful. Talk, don't preach.

By JOHN G. MITCHELL, Evangelist, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

September 1944

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