Spiritual Rehabilitation Needed Today
As Christ needed to dedicate Himself, so also we need a spiritual preparation today.
IV. "Preach the Word"
That part of the Bible dealing with the second advent and the judgment needs special emphasis by Adventist preachers.
Missionary's Wife or Missionary Wife?
We hear a great deal about missionary men and their preparation for the mission field, but we often forget the part a woman plays in a man's missionary experience.
Soul Winning by Correspondence
In the results obtained by the correspondence method of soul winning we see direct fulfillment of the Lord's promise of Isaiah 55:11.
Beginning Midweek Meetings
Person who avail themselves of the opportunity of attending midweek services, as well as the' Sunday night meetings, are the best prospects we have in public evangelism.
Pictured Health Talk Series
In recent evangelistic efforts, we have used a series of health talks as a part of the preliminary program.
The Test of Sound Ministerial Training
Is It Practical and Forceful? Is It Sound and Distinctively Adventist?
The Religio-Medical Liaison—No. 1
Presented before the Mental Hygiene Study Group of the faculty, March 22, 1945. Dr. Norwood is associate professor of the history of medicine at the medical college.