Radio Evangelism During Japanese Occupation
I wish to tell you and our workers in America how much THE MINISTRY has meant to me, especially during the four years of Japanese occupation in these parts of the world when we were not able to get any help from our headquarters.
Spirit of Prophecy Literature
The counsels of the Spirit of prophecy have been inseparably linked with the inception and development of the work of the Seventh-day Adventists in America.
The Use of the Law-Mirror
Just as the purpose of a mirror is to reveal the true physical condition of a man, so the purpose of the moral law is to reveal the true spiritual condition of a man.
The Cure of Diseased Minds
What minister who has the responsibility of shepherding the flock of God has not been confronted with perplexing and distressing problems in counseling with members of his congregation?
Introducing the Prophet Among Us
Can we not borrow this boy's psychological approach when the time comes to present the Spirit of prophecy to our readers?
Study on the Sanctuary
When giving a study, let us try to adopt the method best suited to the student. As the majority of people know very little about the Bible, the simple story method is the most appropriate to start with.