Chinese Teachers as Evangelists

An evangelistic report from China

By JAMES D. WANG, President of the China Theological Seminary

James D. Wang, president of our China Theological Seminary, has been holding public efforts during the school vacation periods the past two years, and the Lord has blessed his work. He believes in evangelism, and that spirit permeates his work in the seminary. His conviction that we are to fulfill Christ's great commis sion is reenforced by his own es-ample—N. F. BREWER.

During the summer vacation of 1944 I went to Kweiyang, the capital of the Kweichow Province, to hold a city public effort. This effort was held in our own chapel. As the result of that effort, nine precious souls were baptized. This last summer it was my privilege to hold a public effort in Kunming, the capital city of the Yunnan Province. This effort was also held in our own chapel building, which is located on the outskirts of the city. The chapel is not in the heart of the city, yet it was full every night.

In this effort I tried a new plan. Dr. Chi, our school physician, went with me and conducted a temporary dispensary there. For the first time we combined the medical ministry with the preaching of the third angel's message. Before the regu lar evening service for adults, we held a special service for the children. We used stereopticon slides for both services. For the adult meetings tickets were issued and given to the people. A good class of people attended, and good order and a spirit of worship prevailed.

For the first time in my experience a question box was used, and through this, many people have come to Christ. It is my conviction that follow-up work is very important, and I and others have sought to help the people not only to under stand but to practice present truth. Seventeen people were buried in the watery grave as the result of this effort. Besides this, a whole church composed of twenty members began to keep the holy day, and another thirty people were enrolled in the second baptismal class, from which some people will surely accept Christ as their personal Saviour.

During the war all the materials for use in the evangelistic meetings were very meager. "I wrote texts and made charts on large sheets of paper. Reference books were few, and we had to preach just from the Bible. Of course, to be a preacher in China in these times is not an easy matter. One must know the background of Chinese culture and civilization. He must also be an up-- to-date evangelist, familiar with all recent develop ments. Above all, he must be a spiritual man, trusting God and preaching the Word of God, and the Word only. The sequence of subjects presented was practically the same as that used in other parts of the world.

The San Yu Theological Seminary is training sixty college students, who are preparing them selves to be light bearers for God in this part of the globe. I am working hard to make this institution a real training center of gospel workers after the pattern of the school of the prophets:

We can secure very good teachers in all subjects right here in China, except a professor of Greek and Hebrew, a teacher of advanced Bible doctrines and the Spirit of prophecy, and a director of industries.

The West China Training Institute, of which I have been acting principal for the last four years, is having one hundred and fifty students. We shall have more soon now that the war is over and transportation and communication are improved.

Besides my administrative work in the West China Training Institute, I am teaching three subjects. The Lord has been good to each one of us during the war, and we have been able to carry on a most important work for Him, through His help.

Pastor G. I. Meng went out this summer and last summer to hold public efforts in the north western part of China. Pastor T. S. Geraty held city efforts at Chungking at the same time. Both Pastors Meng and Geraty are teachers in our seminary. The spirit of evangelism is strong in our seminary, and we pray that the Lord will continue to guide us in the path where He will lead.

By JAMES D. WANG, President of the China Theological Seminary

April 1946

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