Our Message in the Philippines

Our Message in the Philippines

Reaching the Philippines with the message.

By AMBROCIO A. ALCARAZ, Evangelist, Pampanga, Philippines

Catholicism is predominant in the Philip­pines, and in general the attendance in our evangelistic tent is about ninety-five percent Cath­olic. Our plan in the presentation of our doctrines and subjects is therefore arranged especially for Catholic hearers. We present first those subjects that are commonly believed and are noncontrover­sial. Later on, when we feel that we have the people's confidence, we occasionally bring in those subjects that point out errors in the doctrine of the Catholic Church, beginning with the subjects on which we differ slightly, and gradually coming to the subjects on which we hold directly opposite views.

We have found that it is better to present sub­jects first that show the errors of the Catholic Church, and gradually weaken the confidence of the people in their church before presenting the Sabbath truth. After presenting the law and the Sabbath we then present those subjects that prove the certainty of the advent movement, as for ex­ample the 2300 days, the sanctuary and investiga­tive judgment, and the first angel's message.

Then we deal frankly with the Catholic Church, explaining the second and the third angel's mes­sage. After these subjects are presented, those who are really looking for the truth are completely weaned from the Catholic Church. Then we are ready to bring them the testing subjects, such-as health reform, support of the gospel, etc., and they are ready to receive this instruction. The accom­panying arrangement of subjects and brief out­lines will give some idea as to how we present the subjects in the tent.

Who Changed the Sabbath? (Sample Outline)

I. Introduction

From the preceding study we have seen that the seventh day of the week, Saturday, is the day God made the Sabbath. He blessed it, sanctified it, and rested on it. How is it that so many are now keep­ing Sunday, the first day of the week? Who at­tempted the change and caused its observance?

II. Who Changed the Sabbath?

1. Was it God the Father?

a. He is not the one, for He changeth not. Mal. 3:6.

b. He will not change His covenant. Ps. 89:34.

c. His covenant is the Ten Commandments. Deut. 4:13.

d. Catholics witness to this in the book Compendio Historico de la Religion, p. 104. ("God's law changeth not, for God is not like man that changeth.")

2. Was it Christ the Son?

a.No, Christ said, "Think not that I arn: come to destroy the law," for He con­firmed it. Matt. 5:17-19.

b. Christ made it honorable. Isa.

c.Catholics witness to this in the Balti­more Catechism of Christian Doctrine, p. 255.

3. Did the apostles change it?

a. No, they were only to teach what Christ taught them to teach. Matt. 28:20.

b. Catholics witness that in the whole Bible the command is to keep Saturday, and not a single line commands Sunday. CARDINAL GIBBONS, Faith of Our Fa­thers, p. 89.

4. A power that is against God changed the Sabbath, according to the prophecy of Daniel. Dan. 7:25.

a.Her priests have done violence to God's law, and hid their eyes from His Sab­bath. Eze. 22:26.

b. The Catholic Church boasts that it changed the day. Peter Geiermann, Convert's Catechism, p. 50 ; Rome's Chal­lenge, pp. 24, 25.

5. Isaiah prophesied that a reformation will come to repair the breach in the law, among those who keep the true Sabbath. Isa. ,58: 12, 13.

a. The people are called to go back to the old paths. Jer. 6:16.

b. If people continue to keep the command­ments of man, after they have been in­formed of the true Sabbath, their wor­ship is not accepted by God. Mark 7: 7,8.

The Arrangement of Subjects

  1. The Word of God.
  2. Daniel 2.
  3. Second Coming of Christ.
  4. Signs of His Coming, No. 1,
  5. Signs of His Coming, No. 2.
  6. Home of the Saved.
  7. The Love of God.
  8. Satan-Origin, Work, and Destiny.
  9. State of the Dead. 
  10. The Soul. 
  11. Deity of Christ.
  12. Prayer.
  13. Millennium
  14. Confession and Forgiveness.
  15. The Tongue.
  16. Who Is the Rock Where the Church Was Founded?
  17. Who Are the Angels?
  18. The Mass, Its Meaning. 59. 
  19. The Law.
  20. Perpetuity of the Law.
  21. The Two Laws.
  22. The Two Covenants. 
  23. The Law and the Gospel.
  24. The Sabbath Institution.
  25. Perpetuity of the Sabbath.
  26. Ceremonial Sabbaths.
  27. Sunday in the Bible.
  28. Who Tried to Change the Sabbath?
  29. Manner of Keeping the Sabbath.
  30. Daniel 7
  31. The Small Horn.
  32. Investigative Judgment.
  33. The Sanctuary.
  34. The 2300 Days.
  35. The First Angel's Message.
  36. The Second Angel's Message.
  37. The Third Angel's Message-the Leopard Beast.
  38. The Third Angel's Message-United States in Prophecy, and the Image to the Beast.
  39. The Third Angel's Message-The Mark of the Beast.
  40. The Third Angel's Message-The Seven Last Plagues.
  41. Christian Dress.
  42. The Coming of Elijah.
  43. Destroyers of Homes-Gambling and Wine.
  44. Christian Warfare.
  45. The Spirit of Prophecy in the Remnant Church.
  46. Faith That Saves.
  47. Cigarette and "Buyu" (betel leaves, betel nut, and lime mixed together).
  48. The Holy Spirit.
  49. The Body Temple. Keeping it Clean. Food Re­form. 
  50. Lovest Thou Me More Than These?
  51. Baptism.
  52. Our World-wide Work.
  53. Support of the Gospel.
  54. Christ or Barabbas, Which?

(Between testing subjects we usually insert more than one practical subject before proceeding to the next testing subject.)

By AMBROCIO A. ALCARAZ, Evangelist, Pampanga, Philippines

December 1946

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