The Council Call to Evangelism
One of the most heartening features of the recent Autumn Council was the discussion on evangelism. Here's a report.
The Ordinances of the Lord's House
Portion of devotional study, Autumn Council, Grand Rapids, Michigan, October, 1946.
The Preacher and the Press—No. 4
The importance of gaining understanding and gaining good will. Some recent experiences give emphasis to this point.
Pastor's Duty to the Youth
Statistics show that the large majority of young people who become Christians and join the church do so during the adolescent period. Pastors should take advantage of this information.
Visiting Other Ministers
The counsel of the Spirit of prophecy is that we should visit the ministers of other faiths when we come to a new town.
National Worker Evangelism in India
Even missionaries, it seems, are not immune from the fear and dislike of making new discoveries and adopting new methods in work.
To Whom Do Our Missionaries Preach?
Naturally our missionaries preach the gospel to everybody. But it is sometimes charged by opposers that our aim primarily is to reach adherents of other churches.