1946 Census of Religious Bodies

Every ten years the Federal Government takes a census of all religious bodies in the United States.


Every ten years the Federal Government takes a census of all religious bodies in the United States. This census is worth while in marking the progress of church interests in the different States, comparing memberships, con­tributions, educational, and other activities of the various denominations. The end of the year 1946 was the time for this decennial census. In gathering the required information, the Bureau of the Census in Washington, D.C., has sent schedule blanks directly to the churches to be filled out and returned to them.

Although we Seventh-day Adventists have our own statistical department, which gathers nearly all the information requested, we are glad to co-operate with the Government in its effort to get as accurate data as possible on the same basis as other denominations report.

From the church directories sent in by the conference secretaries, the name of the pastor or another leading officer of each Seventh-day Adventist church in the United States has been furnished by our General Conference head­quarters office in Washington to the Census Bureau.

The General Conference is desirous that the response to the Census Bureau's request be one hundred per cent from every Seventh-day Adventist church in the United States. Con­ference workers, district leaders, and pastors may find an opportunity to help our churches secure the information asked for on the sched­ule blank sent to them, and to encourage all our churches to return these blanks promptly to the Census Bureau.


April 1947

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There is in this world no nobler calling than that of being an ambassador for the King of kings.

Our Fathers Trusted in Thee"

Worship talk, General Conference chapel, Nov. 3, 1946.

Balanced Program in All Lines

In order that strength and unity may be maintained in a conference, there must be equal or propor­tionate consideration given to all departments.

Building an Evangelism for Desired Results

If we would lead men and women to truly follow God, we need to build an evangelism according to God's order.

Pastors and Visiting Evangelists

City-wide evangelism involves the united efforts of the visiting evangelistic company, the entire resident church membership and its pastor, and the conference administration.

Prayer Circles for Humanity's Needs

Here the secret of the amazing growth and blessed results of the Voice of Prophecy Bible School and radio work in Southern Africa is disclosed.

City-wide Effort on Small Budget

All our workers want to know how to con­duct a successful city-wide effort on a small budget. Here's advice.

Sabbath by Jury Trial

In a recent Sunday night in Pueblo, Colorado, we presented the Sabbath by jury trial before the largest crowd we have ever had, somewhere close to twelve or thirteen hundred.

How to Deal With Catholics

In working for Roman Catholics, we might well keep the following principles in mind

"Preaching to Emptiness"

This article was called to his attention by an Indian who on a very rainy night formed one of an audience of two non-Adventists at one of his meetings.

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