City-wide Effort on Small Budget

City-wide Effort on Small Budget

All our workers want to know how to con­duct a successful city-wide effort on a small budget. Here's advice.

By MITCHELL R. GARRETT, Evangelist, Orlando, Florida

All our workers want to know how to con­duct a successful city-wide effort on a small budget. Conference presidents and treasurers are especially interested. We should remember it is not necessary to deplete the conference treasury to hold a city-wide evangelistic cam­paign.

In my attempts to gather the masses in cities like Birmingham, New Orleans, Shreveport, and Little Rock, I have used every legitimate method, from hand bills and window cards to a powerful public address system on a gliding airplane, synchronized with printed leaflets fluttering down from the air. Considering all the methods used, including radio invitation cards and all the rest, I have come to the con­clusion that some of these methods are just so much money thrown away. Based upon several years of experience in year-round public evan­gelism, I am firmly convinced that newspaper display advertising is the best dollar spent.

Of course I recognize that during the period of newsprint rationing it was not possible to get ample space to rightly advertise our meet­ings. In these places we had to use other meth­ods. Perhaps the next best method is panel cards mailed to a select group, with the tele­phone seat reservation plan. I have used this plan for years with a good degree of success.

When we concentrate upon newspaper dis­play advertising, putting our best into the com­position, and find that night that more than 75 per cent of the people saw the ad, then why use all the other methods, at great expense? I find it best to let the audience know from the first night how the campaign is getting along finan­cially. They want you to pay your bills, and they are the ones that will pay them, if we will keep them informed.

In the campaign we are now concluding here in Orlando,, with the continued blessings of God we shall baptize more than fifty persons. This has been a combination of a tent and hall effort. About 90 per cent of all our advertising has been newspaper display advertising. In all, the campaign will cost about $3000, and $2800 of this will come from the public in freewill of­ferings, leaving a cost to the conference, aside from labor, of about $200. Before the second baptism was held, far more than $200 had been paid in tithe by the new members and interested ones.

In order to operate a successful effort on a small budget, the first thing to do is to plan to operate on the assigned budget. Cut out much needless spending. Use the better methods of advertising. Use heartfelt gospel preaching as the best advertising. Preach Christ, and make plain the Word of God. Keep your audience in your confidence. Let them know how you are spending their money. They will feel it a privi­lege to help you pay your way.

By MITCHELL R. GARRETT, Evangelist, Orlando, Florida

April 1947

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