Sabbath by Jury Trial

Sabbath by Jury Trial

In a recent Sunday night in Pueblo, Colorado, we presented the Sabbath by jury trial before the largest crowd we have ever had, somewhere close to twelve or thirteen hundred.

By ROBERT M. WHITSETT, Central Union Conference Evangelist

In a recent Sunday night in Pueblo, Colorado, we presented the Sabbath by jury trial before the largest crowd we have ever had, somewhere close to twelve or thirteen hundred. Pueblo is not a large city, but we have a beau­tiful auditorium, and the people seem to be ac­cepting the truth readily. The jury gave a fa­vorable verdict in about two minutes.

In presenting the evidence we used a method that proved very effective. Naturally, whenever we have a program like this, where it is neces­sary to read from secular historical sources, Protestant witnesses, and from the Catholic catechism, the reading of material becomes quite boresome. So we used our ministers to serve as witnesses. When I called for Alexan­der Campbell, one of our ministers stepped out on the platform before a microphone and read the very words that Alexander Campbell wrote. When I called for the testimony from Dr. His-cock, another minister stepped out and read his testimony. When I called for a historical refer­ence, another one stepped out and read the ref­erence.

When we used the Catholic catechism, I asked the question and a witness gave the reply. As we passed the conversation back and forth on the platform, it made a very dramatic pre­sentation of the evidence, and one that the peo­ple will never forget. Our audience were sitting on the edges of their seats all through the pro­gram, and when we asked for a show of hands as to how many agreed with the evidence that was given, it was completely unanimous.

By ROBERT M. WHITSETT, Central Union Conference Evangelist

April 1947

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