Calendar Reform in Congress
Two bills have been introduced into Congress pressing for the adoption of blank-day calendars to go into effect January 1, 1950.
Onward in Antillian Union
A look at the strong enthusiastic emphasis for public evangelism as well as to lay evangelism.
Reaching Neglected Villages and Towns
How shall we reach the small towns and villages with populations from five to fifty thousand—places where a regular effort is not likely to be held?
That Great City"
In the symbolic prophecies of Revelation we easily recognize the city of Rome as "that great city which reigneth over the kings of the earth."
Scientific Evidences of the Flood
In approaching study of earth's past history, we should do so in the spirit of a coroner holding an inquest.
Cooperating With the Pastor
If we expect the successful working of the Holy Spirit in a campaign, is it not essential that pastor and evangelist go forward hand in hand in harmony?
British Evangelism During War
Whether it be war or peace our watchword in Great Britain is "Evangelize."