Scientific Evidences of the Flood

In approaching study of earth's past history, we should do so in the spirit of a coroner holding an inquest.

By GEORGE MCCREADY PRICE, Teacher and Author, Loma Linda, California


In approaching study of earth's past history, we should do so in the spirit of a coroner holding an inquest. By doing so we cannot fail to reach conclusion that earth at some time in the past must have experienced ma­jor cataclysm, or world catastrophe, by water.


a. Lyell the first geologist to travel.

b. His theory of uniformity assumed that past was like present.

c. His creed of uniformity was before rail­roads, geological surveys, etc., and denied possibility of a universal deluge.


Modern knowledge of conditions at bottom of ocean show that no stratified deposits are now forming there. Works of Eduard Suess of forty years ago acknowledged this, and more modern work of Douglas Johnson and many others confirm this important truth.


Early scientists, supported by Cuvier, Agas­siz, and others, taught theory of many suc­cessive world catastrophes. Absurdities of this view prepared way for Lyellism, and thus eventually for Darwinian evolution.


a. Every region of earth's surface (except where covered by volcanic deposits) gives plain evidence of having emerged from a universal ocean. This evidence particu­larly impressive at high levels of each continent, for example, just east of the continental divide in Colorado. All mesas and buttes are further examples.

b. Old strand lines, or elevated shore lines, around all coasts of all lands ; high river terraces of all major rivers ; great in­terior basins of all continents, with high old shore lines around them—all these prove very different world conditions in the past.

c. How different? What were they like?


a. Crinoids and brachiopods (deep-ocean animals) occur alternately with land plants in forming coal beds. Found on every continent.

b. Mollusks and brachiopods (both shell fish) give evidence of having been buried alive.

c. Fishes entombed in great numbers, ab­normal in their well-preserved condition, and also in their abundance.

d. Conditions shows in a, b, and c wholly different from anything now going on anywhere in our modern world.


a. Dinosaurs. Found as fossils in America, Europe, Africa, Asia. "One of the most inexplicable of events is the dramatic ex­tinction of this mighty race." (Charles Schubert.)

b. Megatherium, titanothere, and other mammals.

c. Rhinoceros, camel, elephant, etc., found as fossils in North America, but now liv­ing only in Old World. In other words, these animals were made locally extinct by some cause.

d. Elephants in Siberia and Alaska.


Uniformity seems absurb in face of facts like these. Abnormal conditions must have prevailed at some time in past. A world ca­tastrophe explains these conditions, and seemingly nothing else is adequate.


Geologists admit very abnormal conditions, but claim these were only local. Moreover, they claim to be able to date them in a long series, some having taken place long before others. This differential dating is purely hypothesis. It is not proved and cannot be proved. A much better and more reasonable hypothesis is that all animals found as fos­sils lived together contemporaneously in same world, and were destroyed and buried by one great world catastrophe, the Flood. This one big world catastrophe explains all the major facts far better than Lyell's uni­formity, and differential dating of fossils. "The world that then was, being overflowed with water, perished." 2 Peter 3 :6.


Common-Sense Geology, by Price (Pacific Press, 1946), Pp. 57-59, 228, 221, 168-173,137-140, 222-239.

The Geological Ages Hoax, by Price (Revell, 1931), pp. 28-37.

By GEORGE MCCREADY PRICE, Teacher and Author, Loma Linda, California

May 1947

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