For some time the Ministerial Association has sponsored a handbill exchange, with many of our evangelists co-operating. In the expanding activities of our world evangelistic program we feel that more of our brethren throughout the entire world field would like to participate in this helpful feature.
The plan is a simple one. We ask that each evangelist send us fifty or seventy-five copies of his best handbill or piece of advertising. In exchange for this we will send to him fifty or seventy-five copies secured from the other men participating in the exchange.
Of course this means that no one should feel sensitive if some other evangelist uses his choice title or layout. If any worker feels his titles are exclusive, he should not make them available through this exchange, for they will surely be used by others. But really, none of us has anything truly original. We have all been inspired and directed by that which comes to our notice. "And what hast thou that thou didst not receive ?" I Cor. 4:7.
We invite all of our evangelists to send us materials, and take advantage of this excellent medium of exchange of ideas. It is apparent, of course, that we cannot keep the exchange functioning unless all who desire material will send in some of their own. In this way our supplies will be kept full and fresh. Addfess your letters and materials to Ministerial Association S.D.A., Takoma Park 12, D.C.
M. K. E.