Activities of the Minister's Wife

What are the possibilities for minister's wives in the work of God?

By ESTHER F. PLENC, Teacher and Bible Instructor, Austral Union, South America

Greek or Hebrew! What a blessed source of information for those who can use these languages in their service for the Lord. But what a challenge also for ministers' wives to know that there is besides, a vast field of activi­ties to accomplish, within our possibilities, even if we are not able to master the most difficult subjects in human knowledge! If we have chosen to dedicate our lives to serve others, our opportunities in winning souls for the kingdom are as many as those of the minister himself. But our contribution in doing this comes first of all from our faithful service at home. If you are a missionary appointee, what a privilege is yours! Soon your home overseas will become the center of attraction to the young people as well as to the other members of your church. There you would be in position to minister in the capacity of an efficient house­keeper as well as a charming hostess. Suppose you are located in a lonely district. You could hardly have time to realize this fact, as some Of our ministers and other visitors would visit your field at some future date, encouraging and advising you in your missionary endeavor. Of course you are overjoyed as these visitors become your guests, knowing that your home in the mission compound is like an oasis for them.

Being able to lead or supervise in the Sab­bath school as well as in the young people's society is a commendable work for the minis­ter's wife. And it might be that in some places she is the only one with musical talent unless she herself instructs somebody else in this art. Soon those she trains will be able to lead in the different activities of the church. And here is really when we start to accomplish our task —as soon as we begin to develop leadership in others as well as to inspire them to co-operate.

It might be that if the minister is away on one of his three-or-four-week tours around his field, your turn will come to assist in the activi­ties of the church. For instance, on prayer meeting night you would not want to close the door of the church because your husband is not at hand. If you would lead out on that night, the people would be pleased and also yours would be the joy of being able to serve.

Sometimes it happens that our guest minis­ter from overseas is not yet acquainted with the language in which we work. If another avail­able person is not to be found, probably he will call on the missionary's wife. In a dignified way she should walk up to the pulpit with the guest minister, willing to introduce him to the church, and willing also to translate his sermon into the language of the congregation.

Let us not forget the joy of being able to assist with the different activities of the Dorcas society. Here, as we all know, is an unlimited field of service in behalf of the many who are in need in these troublous times all around the world. And what a joy to be able to impart comfort and happiness along with our service.

Sometimes we like to go along with the min­ister, making calls, meeting new people, or visiting the sick. Time comes when we pack our suitcases and off we go together for a few days' missionary trip. All these, of course, are times when we carry cheer and optimism to those with whom we associate. What a privi­lege and what an opportunity for us as well as for any woman who longs to share the happi­ness and the sorrows of a life completely dedi­cated to ministry.

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By ESTHER F. PLENC, Teacher and Bible Instructor, Austral Union, South America

November 1947

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