Never can it be said that a Bible instructor's work is a dull one. On the contrary, I have found it to be vitally interesting and challenging. My experiences have not been spectacular or out of the ordinary. Through them, however, I have arrived at certain conclusions that may be beneficial to a new member in our ranks.
I have found that young and old, literate and illiterate respond favorably to genuine sincerity. They know whether you have ulterior motives in teaching them, or whether you truly desire the salvation of their souls. If you believe and act as if you have the truth, others will be influenced to a marked degree. It will pave the way for a smoother road on the highway in imparting further Scriptural knowledge to them. It seems to me that what we are inside will emanate from within and reach the people in whose presence we stand. If one's aim is to please Him, the people will see it.
Knowing the qualifications for a successful Bible instructor, and realizing the wonderful talent we have among us, I wondered how I would ever be able to measure up. Therefore, what I say is to encourage those who feel or have felt as I did. I believe it all boils down to two things : to be emptied of self, and to be filled with the Holy Spirit.
In observing the people I have seen that they are careful to note one's mannerisms before and after a study. Our words then will hold much weight and count for a great deal in getting decisions for the truth.
I know what it is to have been disappointed in soul winning. To gently carry one or more consistently up the ladder of religion, one rung at a time, and then find that they topple off near the goal is very disheartening. Sometimes they find it too steep or not quite to their liking. My comforting thought then is, you have done all you could ! The convincing and convicting are the work of the Holy Spirit.
However, disappointments amount to nothing in comparison to the joy that God sheds in the heart in witnessing a reader's baptism. Nothing can equal the full satisfaction that comes in knowing we have labored faithfully for the Master.