Responsibility in Church Business Matters
It is a recognized fact in the business world today that every corporation and institution, from a vast army to a country club, from a great factory to a village church, must have a single directing head.
Church Sponsored MV. Outings
For the past several years our church has sponsored a number of M.V. outings. These are week-end trips, most of which have been held in the Government-owned camp near Triangle, Virginia. These trips have been primarily for older M.V. members and the young married couples of our church. About seventy have usually gone.
The Undershepherd's Work
Of first importance in the matter of shepherding the flock is the need of vital connection with the Chief Shepherd.
The Conduct of the Sabbath School
So you are going to conduct the Sabbath school! Help for what to do.
World Council of Churches— Amsterdam, 1948
Of mounting significance, no issue stands more to the forefront of religious world affairs than does the forthcoming Amsterdam meeting of the first constituent assembly of the World Council of Churches.
The Minister's Wife
When a young woman accepts the proposal of a young minister, it is her responsibility to understand the requirements of his profession or calling before she becomes his wife, and determine to enter into his work with genuine interest and enthusiasm.
I Was Once a Franciscan Friar
Fourth in a series on how ministers of other denominations were led to accept the Advent faith.