The High Price of Leadership
Many aspire to positions of leadership who are unwilling to pay the full price entailed in this responsibility. Every leader in the Advent Movement should know the necessary qualifications for successful leadership, and be willing to live up to the high principles that are involved.
Tenure of Service in Levitical Ministry
It is interesting to note the plan under which the ministers in the ancient sanctuary carried on their work.
Let's Not Become Sidetracked
Seventh-day Adventists are a called and chosen working force for God—a special people with a special message for a special time. They must not allow anything else to absorb their attention.
Origin of Our Bible Work 1. The Early Beginnings
Beginning with this number of THE MINISTRY, a series of six consecutive articles on the origin of the Bible work will be presented.
Good Music for Public Evangelism
It has been my conviction for some time that we have barely touched with our finger tips this matter of securing the maximum results from our evangelistic music program.
Evangelistic Opportunities of the Teacher
The Adventist teacher holds a unique position as a Christian worker, a position carrying with it a privilege and a responsibility for evangelism such as no other denominational worker can claim.